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Higher Thinking

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Posts posted by Higher Thinking

  1. Where are people buying calcium chloride?...I think I want to make my own 2 part batches when my BRS stuff is used up

    I used this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/10-Pounds-Magflake-Magnesium-chloride-hexahydrate-Mag-Flakes-FREE-SHIPPING-/261676766133?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3ced2693b5


    Although when I bought ten pounds it was only $19.99.  The seller makes some mention about why there is a price increase in the description of the listing, but the huge price jump is pretty lame either way.

  2. There are many opinions on Ich, personally I think if the fish is eating leave him be, he'll either die or get over it and live to swim another day. Usually they get over it.


    I've killed many more fish in QT and others stressing all the animals out chasing them around a tank only to make a bad situation worse by trying to treat a problem fish.


    I have yet to see any research that has proven letting a tank run fallow and QT'ing every fish for X amount of time will make your reef tank Ich free... I honestly think that's a load of BS.




    Check the first paragraph of the first subsection.


    It really is scientifically shown. Not just here, but other articles as well. Parasites need hosts to survive. With the correct conditions, the parasite will go through each life stage and if it doesn't find a host it will die.



    Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!

    (Bill Nye reference, anyone?)[emoji2]

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  3. If you're interested in getting everything cheaper you can purchase Prestone Driveway heat for calcium, baked baking soda for alkilinity, and a mixture of magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride for your mag needs. You could get all you dosing needs fulfilled for way cheaper this way.


    Check this link:


    Here is the link I posted earlier that has the concentrations and amounts. It also discusses what exactly it is you use (BAKED baking soda).
  4. After loosing most of my fish during a power outage while on vacation, I asked Santa for a battery backup for my mp40's. Thankyou Santa, you're the best!

    Yeah, I've been gone since Tuesday morning. I'll be home tonight at ten and I'm pretty nervous. Who knows what has happened?! Here's to hoping for the best!
  5. You're still doing cichlids, yes? In that case, lighting is not too big of an issue. Unless you're going to go the planted route and inject co2, you do not want high light. High light in a non co2 injected tank will nearly always end up with algae problems. Get a low powered light, whatever is aesthetically pleasing. Maybe a couple t5NO. Honestly, I wouldn't use any more light than that. Let me know if you ever want to switch to high light and co2 injected planted tanks and I'll help point you in a good direction as far as lights.


    Using a top while trying to maintain the wood aquascape will prove to be difficult. It could be done, but it wouldn't allow for removing the top very easily (if at all). I would just rock the open top.


    Lastly, I don't know if it's possible, but I would try and do something different with the manzanita. Either rotate the piece so the sawed edges are facing the back or if possible, try to make the edges more natural by breaking the limbs. The stubs look pretty thick so breaking might not be an option, but maybe cutting it less flush might help. Unfortunately, flat cut marks will always detract from an aquascape. Hope this helps a little. I'm excited to see you develop it.

  6. Not sure where the stupid edit button is.

    Do you use tapatalk? On there, you select the post, then click the menu button. You will find the edit feature there. On browser, the edit feature should be on the bottom right of your post. Although it might just work for me since I'm a mod. Maybe the new software does not allow for user edits? I know reef2reef doesn't allow you to edit posts either, kinda frustrating, but it's whatever. Let me know if those solutions don't work.
  7. If you're interested in getting everything cheaper you can purchase Prestone Driveway heat for calcium, baked baking soda for alkilinity, and a mixture of magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride for your mag needs.  You could get all you dosing needs fulfilled for way cheaper this way.


    Check this link:


  8. Don't forget this one.



    Haha, that is insane. I love it!


    It was definitely one of those "Coral Expeditions" that we will talk about for some time' date=' made a few stops, acquired some new things, and conversed with many seasoned reefers and all in a days time. Thanks for tolerating me for such a long car ride.[/quote']


    Yeah for sure! We've had some good adventures and I'm sure there are many more to come.



    Well said.I want to commend you for the time and effort put into this society.Your dedication really shined through at the party.I found your onstage raffle antics witty and entertaining.Thank you Higher Thinking!


    Thanks. It was certainly my pleasure. We got a good president and secretary who are always trying to make things better so I'm glad everything came together decently.

  9. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made Saturday possible. It started with my and BadXGillen meeting up in the morning and then heading to Douglas's house. Once there we were greeted by a smiling Douglas and a very wet Micah. Here he is:


    He was actually snorkeling in the tank. By the time we left, he had been in there for over 3 hours and counting....yikes! Sad to see Douglas' tank coming down. It's nice that he has so generously sold off his stuff. Robert and I ended up each getting a clam and a bunch of corals.


    The clams were of course huge, but I managed to get myself one that was small enough for my 75. The shell alone is about 7" and it's almost 9" with full mantle extension. I've never shopped for a clam by trying to find the smaller one :)



    Here is Robert standing proudly over our newest acquisitions. Packed up and heading home from Douglas' house:IMAG1290_zpsqskaqyib.jpg



    After this we headed back, started some acclimating, picked up the wives, and then headed to the Christmas party! It was a smaller group, I think 17 members and some significant others. But it was a great deal of fun. It was nice to see everyone's smiling faces :) Between the raffle prizes and white elephant gift exchange, so many people walked away with cool stuff. Stay tuned for some more pictures from Randy and a big thanks to Robert for already posting up some pictures!!


    It is the people who are creating threads, adding advice, showing up to meetings, etc. that are helping to make this club strong. Thanks to everyone who has been contributing meaningful insight, asking questions, showing stuff off, and making it to the meetings. I've learned so much from members here and it was awesome to watch everyone interacting and having fun.


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  10. Trying to post pics with photo bucket but it says invalid url. what am i doing wrong?


    You need to select the "A" button. That will take you to a ribbon of options. Find the little icon of the mountains. From the # sign, it is 3 to the left. Click that and input the URL from Photobucket. On Photobucket, you need to select the "Direct" URL. When you do that, you can post pictures that are bigger and we will be able to see stuff better. Like this little freshwater shrimp:


  11. They make a skimmer delay start timer. It will delay 5 mins after power restore before powering on the outlet. Barring a controller it's probably the easiest way to fix that problem. Can be used to power on anything you want delayed after a power outage not just a skimmer.


    Reef Octopus delay timer. Click the icon not the name underneath.


    This is genius! Thanks for this bit of info. I might go this route.

  12. I'm not sure on what topic to put this under so I put it here, it says I have 3 messages, but when I open the message page all that comes up is 3 flagged reports, that I'm not otherised to see, can someone fix that? Also the message page doesn't fully open, it is a small column on the right side, not a full page, and all the words are stacked on top one another.


    Thanks, Eddie

    I'm assuming you're using your phone vertically? Try flipping it sideways as the horizontal view is better configured for this site.

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