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Everything posted by Islandoftiki

  1. Well, the 2 gallon freshwater shrimp tank at work, too. But that's freshwater, it doesn't count. On a side note. My un-thermostated 7.5 watt heater heats the vase tank to 88 degrees. Not gonna work.
  2. It's the live rock that's really making it great. ;-)
  3. I just picked up one of the frags today. It looks amazing under my lighting. The frags are nicely healed. This is a terrific deal. Snap 'em up folks!
  4. I've been debating between that one and the AC20. I might just order one of each and decide then. Or I'll go with just an airstone and do really big water changes.
  5. You probably don't need that much purigen, in fact, it might be too much. I'd get a bulk container of it and a mesh bag. I think you need less than a tablespoon.
  6. Minus the 'shopped tang, that's a real tank that someone has on their window sill. I believe you can have a 5" tang in less than 2" of water if you have some sort of saltwater misting system to keep it from drying out.
  7. Oh yeah, I also feed frozen cyclopeze and mysis shrimp a couple times a week.
  8. The two rocks that my pistol/goby live under are pretty much sitting on the acrylic now. The pistol shrimp re-arranges the landscape every day, too. In the morning, they'll have a hole on one side of the rock and in the evening it'll be on the opposite side. If you can, break up a bunch of really small bits of live rock and put them near the entrance of the cave. He'll drag them in and use them as structure for the cave. Also, watch loose frags near the entrance, mine has tried to drag them into his cave. You shouldn't have any issue with your pistol shrimp and your coral banded. Your goby will shuffle your pistol back into the safety of the cave if the coral banded gets frisky and wants to try anything. I feed my whole tank with the smallest sized slow-sinking pellets. Everyone eats them and I put in just enough that they're gone in about 1 minute. I'm pretty sure they pistol shrimp doesn't need to be target fed. He'll pick up uneaten food from the sand as he moves it around. I also believe he will eat goby poop. They're a ton of fun to watch. Do you ever sit there an think, when did the first goby and pistol shrimp decide that it would be a good idea to pair up, and how did that conversation go?
  9. I had to share this from Nano-Reef.com: My favorite quote,"I give the Tang about a month before it outgrows the 'tank'..."
  10. Think of pH as more of an overall indicator of proper water chemistry. If you pH is off, check your ALK, Calc and Mag. Fix what's off with those and you're almost guaranteed to have proper pH.
  11. Think of pH as more of an overall indicator of proper water chemistry. If you pH is off, check your ALK, Calc and Mag. Fix what's off with those and you're almost guaranteed to have proper pH.
  12. Just these two: (The competition with the 2 gallon tank is still ongoing.) And the one for the new competition.
  13. Just these two: (The competition with the 2 gallon tank is still ongoing.) And the one for the new competition.
  14. Gill, that's both disturbing and awesome. You need to seal the bottom And fill the brain cavity with pulsing Xenia! Or a good sized chunk of favia. :-)
  15. "Hey, that guy in skinny jeans looks super manly," said no one ever. This is one of the best people watching joints in town and they make awesome drinks.
  16. Ok, time for another happy hour get together! Date: June 19th Place: The Nightlight Lounge http://www.nightlightlounge.net/ 2100 SE Clinton St. Portland Don your best pair of thick rimmed lens-less retro glasses, grow a 70's mustache, throw on a plaid shirt, hop on your fixie bike and join us at one of Portland's premier hipster joints. I'll get there around 5:30 and grab a table. Happy hour goes to 7pm. See you there!
  17. Yeah, I have a whole colony of bleached out purple hornets. The good news is that after having them for about a year, they're starting to grow again and the new ones are dark purple. Yay? I'm just about done with zoas. I'm having better luck with palys. I think I even have a new color morph of Green Implosion palys that have a bright yellow spot in the center. When I first got them they were green only but some of the offspring have nice yellow centers. You never know what's going to do well and what isn't.
  18. I find zoas a bit frustrating in that regard. At any given time, I probably have one colony of zoas that's all closed up. I've tried dipping them, moving them, etc. They're finicky. I have some palys that have been closed for 6 months and are just starting to reluctantly open.
  19. This is what they usually use with the Iceprobe chillers, it's pretty expensive for out budget though: $56.00 http://www.amazon.com/Nova-Proportional-Temperature-Controller/dp/B001EU5S34/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1339521163&sr=8-4&keywords=iceprobe+chiller
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