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Posts posted by cschwarz

  1. for sale is this like new Tomtom xl. i have all the car adapters and plug in. only 70 obo i have not had it that long .need gone asap! need gas money lol. make any offer.


    this thing will get you where ever you want to go with out and stress of being lost. makes life allot more easy. good to help find fish shops lol

  2. this is a great little tank. it is a 5 gallon cube glass aquarium. has a built in fountain/filter with 11 led lights. i got it for my girl Friend but she lost interest. i was going to make it into a little seahorse tank. but i have to Meany projects going on. i got it for $60 two months ago only asking $50 OBO. would love to have it sold by tomorrow so don't hesitate to make a offer.



    would make a really cool nano reef tank

  3. i have been fooling with the idea of setting up a black percale clownfish species tank for sometime. know that 90% of my fish have died do to a heater exploration.it maybe the best good time to make my dream a reality. so dose anyone know where i could get about 6 black percula clownfish for a good price? still just in the planing phase but i love the way they look.

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