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Everything posted by Gill

  1. I am selling an old 55 gallon acrylic might make a good sump 25$
  2. wow what kind of hermit did that?
  3. my fish want that filter system.
  4. Gill

    125 Lagoon

    I really love my pistol shrimp (I have two now). Beware though if your rock is not on the bottom with sand pored in around it the destructuion will be extensive!! If you are setting up a new tank though you could take the neccesary precautions and have a really interesting creature to watch. My system is only aout a month old but all the rock, sand critters have been in my old 55 for four years.
  5. Gill

    125 Lagoon

    nothing new just thought i would ad some more pic's i snapped of today
  6. Gill


    Ok here is the closed pic
  7. Gill

    Porcelain crab

    check out the new clothes, the old one's were getting a little dirty
  8. Gill


    This not really a emergency, not yet anyway but check it out. I actually like this sponge in fact I bought the ten pound rock for the sponge. I know it's invasive but i figure as long as I am careful I can contain it. Anyways heres the problem all the exhaust holes are closed and it is deflated. This didn't worry me at first but it has been 3 days now. Plus i'm talking every whole is closed. Is it dead or dying? What happens if it does die, I mean thats premo real estate opening up but is the rock going to have to be cured (thats a lot of sponge). The silly false perc's hosted it right before this all started, so they could very well be to blame. I hope thats not it though because i don't really see how i can stop them short of going out and dropping a 100 dollars (I don't have) on a carpet anemone. pic is PRE-problem (scary)
  9. I'm happy he found a good home!
  10. Emerald525 wins!!
  11. 5 names in the hat so far, i'll have my wife pull one tonight 10:00.
  12. I have to see a pic of that lol
  13. I love this guy I just cant keep him in my tank. The "hate" thing was just a joke. Plus i figure it made it extra clear he is not reef safe.
  14. He is big! The shell alone is at least 4''
  15. No misleading here this thing is a terror(scary) He will knock over your frags and perch on your corals. If you have a FOWLR tank this could be the hermit of your dreams. He has a super cool shell complete with an anemone hitchhiker and limpet. He is a unidentified deep water hermit from Hawaiian. You know the drill, only this time "share the hate".
  16. Don't buy a pair. In my opinion pairs are a bad idea. Usually they are to close in size and as they grow they will fight for dominance, neither one wanting to take the role of male. You have a perfect opportunity to make a pair having had the one clown and presumably have grown it up a bit. Now all you have to do is buy a smaller clown much smaller (half the size of the one you have or smaller). This way there will be no question in either one's mind as to who is dominant. Just make sure you buy the same type of clown ie if you have a false clown buy a false or if you have a true perc buy another true. I would get rid of that four stripe as he will only get larger and more Aggressive imo, maybe you can get a little store credit towards the new clown.
  17. So you have 4 blue tangs between the two tanks i'm jealous.
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