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Everything posted by pnkrcklives

  1. Finally got my tank surround finished(much like a canopy). Now time get the lights installed. I need some input. Either good or bad is always welcome just trying to get the best setup possible with what I have. I have a single 400w halide and refelector 22"x22" and 2 4' vho(220w total) actinic bulbs. My main questions are how for away can the vho bulbs be from the tank, and would it hurt the bulbs to be lower than the refletor. I know this is kinda vague, but any help will be appreciated. I can come up with more dimensions as you guys need them. Just dont know what infor you would want off hand. And if someone wanted to come take a look and give some ideas Pizza and Drinks are on me. If anyone has a link to wiring a workhorse 7 for 2 4' vho bulbs I would need that too. Thanks for your time...
  2. I am very new to the hobby! I visited him very early on. In hindsight I wish I would not have spent money with him. He did not offer much advise beyond a selling point. And every frag I bought(for exhorbant price) was dead in three weeks. Chalked it up to species and not being well educated. Untill I realized my other frags from reputable stores were spreading like wild fire. I would not recomend him. Just my two cents.
  3. BUMP!! For price drop $90 cash will install for a little extra
  4. I don't know what kind of help would be needed. But I would love to help.
  5. Yep my one step easy solution turned into a nightmare. Oh well there is always next time. I gave in and just painted the stand with a custom mixed color(as close to the stain I picked as possible). It is going to look ok just no where as good as a well stained piece but should be adequate for what I am after.
  6. That is pretty much what I am trying right now. The problem is I should have made the doors of the same material. As the frame.
  7. I sure am. Thought it was going to be the new sliced bread. Turned out to be a nightmare. Should have just stuck with my oil based stain and then clear coating it.
  8. Here it is completed(sort of) If only I can get this stain to lay down even. I am afraid. I may have to paint it. Which I was trying to avoid. I was also hoping to move it in front of the tank tomorrow. But not till it looks a little better. Hope the third coat comes out not blotchy...
  9. A guy in hillsboro has them for 20 bucks 55gallon food grade barrel
  10. All my research and the guys I got him from said to feed him every three to four days. He seems to want to eat every day. If I don't feed him he chases the other fish to eat their flake food. These things are carnivores. The snowflake I used to have was the opposite you had to coax him to eat and would only eat once a week. So is it bad to feed him every day. He is eating like 3-5 krill a day.
  11. Buy his install kit and my sub/amp combo and I will install for a killer price. Frag trade.
  12. I dont have any barrels but I have food grade 4 gallon buckets enough to move approx 150 gallons if you need them. I do know a place to get 55 gallon food grade barrels for pretty cheap.
  13. Midas blennies are amazing to watch. I just got a Golden dwarf moray and now that he is established is swimming in and out of the rock and is so fun to watch and alot of fun to feed from a skewer.
  14. Salt water fantaseas has it but it is way cheaper from home depot
  15. Urchin $5 Bumble Bee snail x 2-3Super Tongan Nassarius snail x 1Cerith snail x 8-12Margarita snail x 1Turbo snail x 2 all snails $10 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp $12 Fancy Red Serpent Star (10") $15 Feather Duster $6 Scarlet Reef Hermit x 6 $8 Zebra Hermit Lrg $5 Red Tip Hermit $2 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit X 6 $8 or $40 for all I will take all of this if you can make it to the Portland area(but may get rid of the star as he may be too big for me). I can come up there but am not excited enough about them to make the trip. You may be in luck because I am an auto technician by trade. And may be able to fix your van at a reasonable rate(part or full trade if you happen to have a nice skimmer and pump). Give me the year make model and the best description of the problem. So I can asses if it is even smart to try and get it to portland. Or what it may take to to fix it.
  16. I have two false percs and a maroon clown. They all host the same RBTA. Clowns can be very unpredictable in my experience...
  17. We are working on one right now. Not quite that elaborate. My dad is a master cabinet maker(30 plus years), and is helping me along. He is showing some interest in doing some one off tank stands and skins to dress up some tanks. He is semi retired. So if you give me an idea what you want to do I will run it by him. Check out the diy section to see my build so far. Sorry in advance for the crappy cell phone pics.
  18. Weird the one picture is sideways. Well you will just have to tilt your head lol. Here is the progress. The top is installed,vented, and fans installed. All the opening have been trimmed out. With one hundred feet of oak trim. The custom crown molding is built and installed on the top. Now just to install the divider, shelfs, and doors. I still have two doors to finish first. Then comes the fun sanding and prepping the whole stand to be stained. Then hopefully next weekend I will be able to do the final install. GOTTA GIVE THANKS TO MY DAD IF NOT FOR HIS MASTER WOOD WORKING SKILLS IT WOULD JUST BE A PILE OF STICKS OR A NICE BACKYARD BON FIRE!!!
  19. Think I want the 20 long you have a pm
  20. The powder I have as backup is from the feed store, for chicken coops. Maybe I will finally use it. Since they finally passed the ordinace for me to keep two chickens in beaverton, and my coop is almost done.
  21. I spray the inside of the foundation of the house once a year. For spiders and ants seems to keep them at bay. The idea of the flea collars in the vacuum is that if you suck up the adults or the babies it keeps them from reproducing. And breaks their cycle riding your house.
  22. I did look into the powders as well. Even bought some. Luckily I was able to control it before it was needed. But I do keep it as a back up.
  23. I have two dogs and a lot of yard space... I was wondering about bombing my house for fleas last year. I had a bad out break. Decided to solve organically. As far as the knats. I use apple cider vinegar and dish soap. In a small dish on the window sill. As for the fleas I put cedar chips in the dogs beds and vacuum the floors with flea collars in the bag/collection cup. I also put some more garlic in the dogs food. I agree with no caustic chemicals in the air that feeds all my precious wet pets. Because if you have to remove the dogs that transport the fleas. You should remove all the animals in the exposed radius. Just my two cents
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