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Everything posted by bswe22

  1. Sorry to hear the bad news. Liquid Sunshine is still for sale. You could get the store for REAL cheap right now.
  2. Thats a great idea. I am going to the LFS tonight after work. I will have them order me one in. Thanks(clap)(clap)
  3. I did get a Aquaclear 110 to do just that but wasn't sure if it is enough. Will the water be going through it to fast to do any good?
  4. I just picked up a 38 gallon tank and stand. I am going to set it up as a reef tank and wanted some advice on what to do for the filtration. Should I have a small sump, refugium or a HOB filter. The stand is kinda small. I do not think I could even get a 10 gallon tank in it. Any ideas? (scratch)
  5. bswe22

    clown fry

    I have a nice digital camera, I could come by and snap some shots for you. PM me if your interested.
  6. bswe22

    clown fry

    Tell your sister to here up and find your camera. you should be recording their growth progress on film. Not to mention, we would like to see the little guys.(clap)(clap)(clap)
  7. Sounds like I just need to wait it out and let it run its course. I don't know?????
  8. I am using API's test kit. Should I get a different one? I only have 3 small fish. A Tailspot Blenny, Percula Clown (small) and a Babrbershop Goby paired with a Pistol Shrimp. I also have a Cleaner Shrimp and an Emerald Crab. 2 Scarlett hermits, 5 very small blue hermits and a bunch of different snails. There is thirty pounds of live rock and a nice thick live sand bed. Here is a picture. As for my filter, I have a Pengium 170 bio wheel (w/o bio-wheel) and a Aqua C Ramora Nano protein skimmer.
  9. I have been using nothing but RO/DI water from Liquid Sunshine. I will have to start getting water else where now that they are leaving us.
  10. If it was the on in the long tank, it was already paired up with a Goby. Why didn't you get both of them? I thought Travis was going to take them both. Maybe not.
  11. What is an Xpen? (scratch) Could you post a picture? (clap) (WOW, I have a lot to learn. (yahoo))
  12. I set up the tank in the middle of last September. It is just about 6 months old. Yes it is like a dust on the front glass, I wipe it away and then it returns a few days later. I have had this algae for the last 6 weeks. How long do I need to wait until it goes away?
  13. ph is at 8.2.... I spot feed everybody. My fish come right to me and take food from my tweezers. I feed them every other day. The guys that I trust at the LFS said to old off on the water changes for two weeks. They were hoping that the algae would consume what ever it was they are living on then go away. That has not worked. I am going to try PhosGaurd by Seachem.
  14. What does everybody use to keep everything feed and how do you go about feeding everything? How does everybody like Reef Nutrition's Oyster Feast. I just picked this up yesterday. How do I go about using it? Do I turn everything off and squirt a little right above all the corals or do I leave the powerheads on and let it circulate in the tank for awhile before turning the filter and skimmer back on? What other things do you reefer's feed your corals? Thanks for all the help!!!!!!!!!(clap)
  15. Is that something that I would put into the filter to remove phosphates? I picked up PhosGuard by Seachem yesterday. Is that the same stuff?
  16. This might be a stupid question but what is "GFO"? I have a powerhead on each side of the tank. I might start blowing things off rocks if I add more flow.(laugh)
  17. Lookin good. How lok did it take you to get that much coraline algae growth?
  18. So I can't seem to get rid of this algae. It is on the glass and sand all the time. Anybody have any suggestions?
  19. bswe22

    clown fry

    How about some pictures of the little guys?
  20. I like this idea. I have been wanting to learn how to do this. What a better way to figure it out. (clap)
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