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Posts posted by sharoleb

  1. Bump. So how exactly do these work? Like the rock is magnetic and the plugs stick to it? Because that would be a great idea. They recommend epoxy so I didn't know if that was the case or not.


    Mike - I just read the page again. It looks like when they talk about epoxy they are saying you can glue your frags to the rock-mag, just like on live rock. It's the magnets inside that make them hold to the glass. I like them because I've always like the idea of having corals on the back wall, but regular frag plugs don't seem to stick well on the vertical surface - at least not for me.

  2. if they are made from portland cement you might want to cure them about a month' date=' like frag plugs made of the same stuff most people put them in their toilet tank to cure[/quote']


    Sooo.... I'm kinda new to the hobby, comparatively. And on the computer it's hard to gauge....... is this sarcasm saying they are fit for the toilet or are you serious and this is what people really do? (nutty) (laugh)

  3. Looking to see if there is any interest for these mag-frags. http://aqua-mags.com/ darrellw showed his this morning in a thread and I really like them. I would like to keep this open at least until the 15th so that everyone has a chance to get in if they want. I emailed the company and got this response:


    Thank you for expressing interest in our products. Our Group Buy info>> is as follows:>>>>

    Frag-Mags $ 5.00 each>>

    Rock-Mags $ 15.00 each>>

    Rock-Mag Jr $ 7.50 each>>

    Frag-Farm $ 3.00 each>>>>>>


    Minimum buy is $ 200.00, FREE shipping to one location.You can keep it open untill you get to magic $ 200.00 number ;) Once you have your order together, just e-mail me the quantities and I'll send you one invoice via Paypal for the order. Once it's paid, your order ships FREE the next day.


    I've never started one of these, (scary) so maybe someone can chime in here. I guess people would need to send money to my paypal and then I send it on? I can hold the money in paypal right and not have to transfer in and out of my checking? So I guess I'll just do a running tally of what people want in this first post and edit as we go. I guess I'll start it off w/ me.


    Checking off in blue as they get delivered:


    Sharoleb: 2 rock mag jrs and 3 frag mags $30.00 3 frag farms 3x3 $9

    Nate: 2 Rock Mags and 1 jr rock mag, and 2 frag mags $47.50

    Noobtosalt: Rock Mag $15

    Haroldb: 2 rock mags $30 - arrangements made

    Jadams7 rock mag and rock mag jr. $22.50

    Gawf4fun: rock mag and rock mag jr. $22.50

    PeteRock: Rock mag: $15

    R-3 - 2 Rock mag jr. - $15



    Current running total = $206.50

  4. Normally I would have nominated you to make it easier for ME (laugh) but you have been busy, and I've never run one of these before so probably it's about time I did. (nutty)


    I didn't even see that you emailed them until just now...

  5. Hello and welcome to both you and your son! I'm sorry you had a bad first experience here. I hope you give the site another chance, the folks I've met here have been great, although I'm pretty new also. Advice, learning, buying, selling, trading or just looking at cool pics I find this site to be a very valuable resource. I think it's great your son is also interersted in the hobby. We would all love to hear more about your system and see pics!

  6. Man, I would love to take you up on that, but I came home Monday night and my maxi mini was inside out and chunks of him everywhere. (flame) (scratch) I took myself out of the group buy to get another one.

    I can't figure it out, all parmas are in order, general tank health is great. My husband has been trying to talk me into chaning to halides, and he says that's the reason it died. But I thought they could survive on T5s, so I just don't kow. (sad)

  7. I've seen lots of pink zoanthids in all different morphs. Pink yumas are super sweet, but not necessarily hardy. Hopefully others chime in too.


    I have some awesome pink zoas with a bright green mouth and would offer to frag you some but they fell off the rocks and so are now in the recovering phase.

  8. Are they super teeny weeny? They look small from the pics online. I need to figure if they are compatable w/ my cleaner & fire shrimps, I think so....


    I'm not in any rush to get them. I got my first maxi mini a week or so ago and am getting a second in Garrett's group buy. I'm considering the shrimp for my future maxi garden. (naughty)

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