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Posts posted by sharoleb

  1. That's why I got mine too....he did the deed in a matter of days....it has been 4 months since he was in my tank and my astrina's numbers aren't even close to what they were before.....



    we have had ours for a month and a half and we dont see a fraction of the starfish we had. We had a problem with the starfish eating our zoas.

  2. Agreed there are some excellent points made, and I don't think I've read all of them.


    In my opinion once items are donated you can no longer direct what happens to these things. Whether it's items to various charities, fund raisers, schools or what have you. Personally, I have entered several raffles just for the sake of helping said fund raiser. A donation, just as a gift, is given away and not looking back. I can't give a gift for Christmas to someone and then look over their shoulder to make sure they use the gift in they way I prefer, it just doesn't work that way.


    Having said that, thank you to all of the generous sponsors who have donated.

    • Like 2
  3. I've been testing once or twice a week, expecting something to be a miss. Everything looks good. I can retest tonight and post to verify. I'm pretty sure the coralline isn't dying, I've had that happen when I flipped my pink window rock around and put the wrong side facing forward. This is new stuff, growing not declining. I will see if I can take some pictures of it to show.

  4. I've had my 36bf up for about a year and a half. I have pink coralline growing everywhere! Very thick on the rocks, filter, koralia, pretty much everywhere. In the last few months I'm getting the same thing, but it's GREEN. YUK. On the corners of the tank where I can't get the magfloat, on the back wall of the tank, and also on the crushed coral sandbed (which I hate anyway but now that it's green it's even uglier!) When you just glance at the tank it has a major green tint. What's the deal here? I've considered using purple up, but I do have tons of pink coralline, and I've created this tank by only having to put chemicals in it once (for red slime.) Actually - now that I say that - it's been turning green since i've used the chemi-clean. No clue if there is any relation to that or not. I've scraped some of the pink hoping to get it to seed some more. It hasn't helped.


    I'm going to be tearing this tank down eventually anyway, slowly putting everything in the 75 (dang there's not as much room as I'd hoped in there!) But I want to avoid this in the future for the new tank. Any thoughts on this? Do more/less of any certain nutrients sway the color of the algae?


    Sorry, no pics. I'm REALLY hoping Mrs. Claus will put a camera in my stocking. (naughty) ;)



  5. Hi Kimberlee - FWIW: when I was just beginning I perused liveaquaria.com quite a bit. You can learn care tips and requirements by looking up different corals. It helped me a lot when I was new.


    Also - another site I use to help keep track of what I have and when I put it in the tank is reefnook.com I wish I would have used it for my first tank, but do use it for my second and it helps because I can never remember when I got a new coral, equipment and so on.

  6. Just get her COD Black Ops instead and tell her to get hooked! The gift that would keep on giving!


    LOL it worked for me! Hubby surprised me with it after it came out. I beat the game the first week, now I'm online. Ha Ha - I am so not the average girl! (laugh) Takin dudes out makes me so happy. :p

  7. I am a pedestrian far more than I am a driver. I have worked downtown PDX for 11 years and have always taken Trimet in. Having said that, I agree w/ Kim that there is far too much hostility. As a pedestrian, I feel it is MY responsibility to watch out for cars, not just have them watch out for me. If I'm at a crosswalk/driveway, and there is a car, I don't cross without making eye contact w/ the driver first. I have, I will admit, cursed someout out or flipped the bird, but only in extreme circumstances and I would NEVER consider beating on someone's car to get my point across. (nutty)


    On another note, it always gets me when people get impatient for me to cross - and no I'm not one of the lolly gagger crossers - You're in a CAR - I PROMISE you will get to your destination faster than me!!! (laugh)

  8. Holland Lops are great rabbits. We used to have two years ago until my son developed an allergy. Ours were inside, trained to use the litter box so they could have run of the house and had a cage in the corner. Just have to bunny proof cords and such. Great pets, with lots of personality!!

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