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Posts posted by nwcoralfarm

  1. That is what your problem is, your pump is pumping more then what can fall quietly down your drain, so instead it is sucking it down so fast that it is slurping tons of air off the top. There are a few things you can do here about this.


    1. as was pointed out, dial the pump back.

    2. Durso stand pipe.

    3. Add another or larger drain.


    The bummer is that having the larger pump with the tips you have on the returns will add a lot of flow to the tank and free flow is exactly what you want, so dialing back the pump (which) I believe is bad for the pump) is the easy route and the one you dont really want to take. Durso's do work but require a bit of work and a few bucks to get them set up right.


    If you do decide to get a valve then get yourself a gate valve, they cost a few bucks more but are very nice for small/precise amounts of cut back. There are a few guys here who could tell you where to find them in your area.


    Everything else looks great, you might want to play with that ovverflow drain on the refugium end though, in my experience you will get a lot of splashing and it will be a little loud itself.

  2. I helped the city of Castle Rock do some maintenance on their waste water treatment plant the other day and one of the tasks was swapping out their UV lights that are used to sterilize the treated water before it gets pumped back into the river.


    Just thought I would throw up some pics of this for your viewing pleasure.


    Each bulb I believe is 350 watt and around 5 feet long. There are a total of 6 cartridges all containing 6 bulbs a piece. They have plastic tubes that they are placed in that have auto swipers that run the length of the tube around every few hours to keep any algae from growing on the tubes.




  3. Pretty simple really, just figure out what type and size, speed etc of ram you are running and if all goes as planned just put it in. But as I said be sure to check your specs first to see what slots will take what sizes in what order etc.


    Also find out if you are running an AGP slot or a PCIEx? and you should be able to find a pretty decent card for your system. Also be sure to check what the new card needs for power and make sure your power supply can handle it.

  4. The only way it can have no video card is if it is running onboard graphics but not too many comps do this anymore because the graphics are just too advanced.


    I would recommend cracking open the case and taking a look and figure out which motherboard exactly it is that you are running and check the specs on it before you go upgrading anything.

  5. I too have had a DUI, (lesson learned) and I too can say that that actually sounds like she got off pretty light. I got completely screwed for refusing to blow, I wasn't rude about it, I just didn't know the law.


    I lost my license for 2 years, plus a blow and go for 1 year after and sr22 insurance on top of it for 2 more years. This is after about 15,000.00 total cost. I didn't get in a wreck or anything, and had only had 2 beers (SERIOUSLY) they say legal limit 0.08 in Washington but at a lass I had to take the prosecutor came in and said that they don't care what you blow, if they feel like you acted drunk or anything they will give you one anyway.

  6. Not yelling either but I can tell you that there is nothing even remotely easy about doing tricks like those guys do snowboarding. I have boarded for almost 10 years and every time I try to bring my a#@ over my head I end up on one of the two. Half pipes are a whole different ball game, I can drop in on a skateboard but not on a snowboard to save my life.

  7. Yup I seen it on the news today and we laughed out loud for some time about it, pole dancing in the Olympics. I think the Olympics are looking to keep young people interested as much as possible.


    Look at it on the bright side, now if you spend your nights in a strip club you are no longer a pervert, you're a patriot supporting the Olympic athletes.

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