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Everything posted by finch6013

  1. Heading up I-5 garret in salem upscales westside (if you want to make a detour) Rose city on the way back south take 205 and hit up saltwater fantasy rose city if you didn't on the way up
  2. $20 to the person that pics it up before 8pm tonight! Wed 12/29 503-407-5196
  3. I am on oregon city. I had him in a coral tank but I randomly caught him the other day and now he is in the sump.
  4. its in my sump so i need to move it very soon. I have no idea where its from. It has yellow on the tail and blue throat. I am in oregon city.
  5. Nice! I had a crank pully explode at 7000 rpm on my race car and it luckily went down instead of up. Made a huge hole in the pavement and scared the crap out of me. Oh the good ol days.
  6. I will take the Cali tort. If you want to do any trades let me know.
  7. I have a Male Blue throat trigger about 3'' long. I have had him for a few months now and he's been very healthy, eats like a pig, and non aggressive towards the other tank mates. I just decided I didn't really want it anymore. $30 or possible trade for sps $20 to the person that pics it up before 8pm tonight! Wed 12/29
  8. I agree with those that say get a test done with a new kit. Also if you were away from your tank for a while you probably fed your fish less. Causing less nutrients for the sps and same thing with not keeping up on water changes. It's the things we don't test for like trace elements and food source that will kill sps without warning. KH,PH and CA can be pretty out of wack as long as its not a quick decline. The big three being off usually results in poor color and growth, not death.
  9. PS3. I haven't played any games in a long time but I hope to get back into it soon. I mostly use it for Blue ray, netflix, music, and sometimes internet browsing. My profile name is finch6013
  10. Do we have a PNWMAS forum or NW chapter on big sites like RC? That might be a way to get attention from other sites.
  11. I like that blue stag as well.
  12. I have a frag of blue tipped green stag that I could trade for another stag or sps.
  13. except the ich never goes away. A frag, piece of live rock, macro algae ect WILL introduce ich into your tank again. I went through this same thing and no matter how long I left the tank empty ich always came back. I am sure others have the same experience.
  14. Take my advise for what you want. Most will suggest QT tanks. If you qt a fish then move it to a new system it goes through all the stress of a new tank and new buddies all over again. Fish live with ich and have a natural defense against it. Keep a healthy happy tank and all will be good.
  15. Make sure you perams are spot on, feed a lot, and don't mix fish that will almost always fight. Also make additions to your tank in the dark and keep the tank dark for a day. If the fish still doesn't survive then it wouldn't have anyway. I am a firm believer that ich is always in our tanks and that fish often have it even if you cant see it.
  16. I think I have some also that you can have. I don't have a fixture for them anymore.
  17. If plasma was cheaper I would be ordering one right now.
  18. what kind of sps are you looking for?
  19. send me a pick if you can. I might not be interested in the whole colony. I mostly want large frags/mini colonies.
  20. My wife works as manager for animal house in OC so I get cost on everything.
  21. I have been wanting to try this so bad but is so dang expensive and hard to find. And when I can get Kent for about $30 per bucket its hard to use other salts.
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