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Posts posted by coralreefer

  1. Many people say "no UV" in reef tank...as many say "yes". I say yes as I think benefit of killing bad guys outweighs detriment of killing good guys. UV will help with free floating form of ich but do nothing for ich on fish.


    From the research I've done and my veterinary training, I believe ich is always present and shows itself when fish become stressed. I don't believe tanks are ich free and then come down with it when ich fish brought from LFS...I believe stress of introduced fish triggers decreased immunity and ich proliferation. But that is only one idiot's opinion.


    I think it is a good precaution to take. Watch the bears come out of the caves.

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  2. I've got Aiptasia that has more time to reproduce than I have to kill them. Have tried peppermint shrimp, Berghia nudibranches,...Joe's Juice is a joke...have seen favorable killings with Aiptasia X...I'm looking for something to work while I'm at work.


    Anybody have any opinions on Klein's butterflyfish versus copperband?(scratch)

  3. I am rather new to the board, but was wondering if there already exists a set purchase date for board members to buy bulk supplies. First, I don't want to offend vendors who support this board by ignoring their businesses. Second, there may already be a system in place for this. If so, I'm sorry for wasting your time.


    My thought is to a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly "group" buy from Bulkreefsupply or other vendor. I see random "let's buy together" posts, usually 2 days after I've placed a personal order.


    If we agree to do this say quarterly, then we ALL know, for instance, July 1st is order placing day...so is October 1st. We aren't committed to purchase anything, but we may save alot more people alot more money if we organize our order dates. Heck, it would probably be a good way for alot more people to get to know each other.


    Nothing is set in stone but we could have a board "shopping list"...we could even have a more efficient way to "borrow" supplies from one another in a pinch.


    Your thoughts please...


    Dr Merle(scratch)

  4. You don't have to apologize for this guy being a dirtbag. And no one is suggesting that you aren't up for the task. However, it is easier to "see how things go" and keep the peace, than to get down to business first thing.


    There is no easy way to do this as this is most vile of crimes. There is no middle road...no compromise. My initial suggestion puts you on the offense, him on the defense and keeps family members at ease.


    By the way, it is odd that your wife's family is willing to give this guy a "free pass".


    Or handle it ahead of time. No brother-in-law at reunion, please.

  5. This is how I would handle it...


    If your goals are:1) protect your child 2) keep peace in the house 3) not have to deal with this everytime he is around, then this is what to do.


    When you see him, you ask to speak with him alone for a minute. You politely, yet firmly express that you and your wife are uncomfortable with him holding your child and for everyone's peace and hope that relationships can move forward, you ask that he honor your wishes.


    This "buries" the unspoken words that should be said, this lets him know that he has to watch himself, this lets grandparents have a peaceful house and be happy, and this keeps your child at least on level one safe.


    You've got to step up and be the man for your wife and child. Tough if he doesn't like it. Next step is seeing relatives separately.

  6. I started doing water changes using Sham-Wow, you know, to get rid of the water that needed to be taken out of the tank. The Sham-Wow worked wonderfully. Not only could I remove tank water, but if I got any on the floor, I used it to suck it up. Left my floor silky smooth. My wife loves me even more...how much more?...Sham-Wow MORE!!

  7. you shouldn't have to dry fire it unless you have too much back pressure, which again, (I hear you) would mean something is closed somewhere and should be open.

  8. Rule #1 with anemones--leave them alone. I have burned up alot of money "positioning" them, only to have them move. Then I would "reposition" them. Then they would move again to a lousier place.


    Remember, they have to sun bath and feed and they will shrink and expand, pull in then open up. Bottom line is they know better where they will do best than we do (except powerhead intakes!!)


    Rule #2--Follow Rule #1!!

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  9. Just a great observation, folks. I happen to be one of those people who works hard and often never gets a break. I am not a whiner. It just happens to be the truth. Anyway, figured I'd give modding my skimmer impeller a try, as I've heard so much about it. What a difference! In 24 hours, a clean collection cup covered with sludge, dark green skimmate, full container of small, brown bubbles...chamber looks like an LA street riot...micro bubbles almost too small to be seen rising...cone is black with collected debris.


    Never knew crap could make me sooooo happy!!


    I also figured I'd try my own method as many samples I've seen looked rough.


    Be happy to share method for amyone who is interested...



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