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Posts posted by coralreefer

  1. I think I would dose this tank with chemi-clean and look at 3 days with no lights on.


    Treat with chemi-clean...Watch your O2 level...turn off skimmer for 48 hours...will foam like crazy when you turn it back on....watch your pH level...take out any carbon...do a water change when you turn skimmer back on...


    definitely looks like cyano and dinos...



  2. B--It made it...obviously it didn't arrive busted!! Congrats...! Corals are in and opening and bathing...Your giant green acro lost a 3" arm, but all else is well...I'll mount the arm...


    How are you going to pick that tank up with water in it? Just couldn't wait...OK, get it cycled and we'll get your babies back to you...



  3. I guess I'm just Mr. Unlucky...


    In 5 years...


    Berghia x 10--ZERO effect on aiptasia

    Copperband Butterfly X 2--No interest in aiptasia

    Peppermint shrimp x 40--they wobble but no interest in aiptasia

    Joe's Juice x 20 boxes--"kills" aiptasia? Seems to for 3 days then the same (NOT NEW) bugger comes back...DOES NOT WORK...IT IS ILLUSION!

    Kalk--same as Joe's Juice

    Aiptasia X--Beginning to believe also illusion--

    Drano--not convinced...


    Purchased a Klein's Butterfly yesterday...we will see...


    I am mixing up kalk/drano/aiptasiaX mixture tomorrow..may work...may blowup!


    Have not tried lemon juice...have not tried boiling water...



  4. impur--if you don't have white cloud in am, that's your starting point...I would dose 3 ml tomorrow night if you aren't seeing any problems (white cloud) in am...


    no white cloud in am is telling you it can handle what you threw at it...not to tempt fate, you can cut dose in 1/2 and attack tank with 3 ml nightly...I feel I was very cautious in attacking my tank with vodka and could have been much more aggressive...I was dosing 10ml twice daily and decided to back off as nitrates/phosphates reached zero and now dose 5ml twice daily plus 1 1/2 ml of vinegar/sugar...you will be fine...breathe deep



  5. I should have said, "my final thought on group buy"...being married for 25 years, I don't have the final word on anything.


    Anyway, here we go. As a veterinarian, I have sold products for years...vaccines, flea products, heartworm meds, heart meds, antibiotics, etc...they were a giant part of my revenue.


    Those revenue avenues are now gone. The internet has taken almost all of my over the counter and prescription business. No one cries for us veterinarians. That is OK. How do I stay in business? By doing what only I can do...1) Perform surgery 2) Diagnose 3) Prescribe...


    I was trained to do what only a few can do and my ability to accel at it depends on customer service, what I know and how I present it.


    For the LFS owners....I feel for you...but unless you set yourself apart from everyone else with what you KNOW and what you DO, you'll never do it with what you SELL...unless your service is superior, unless your knowledge is cutting edge and you offer niche services that no one else does, you are just a retailer. The days of expecting people to buy from you because your doors are open and you are a nice guy are over.


    LFS retailers are going to have to accept that they aren't going to stay in business selling skimmers and fish food when they are cheaper online. They will only stay in business offering what can't be gotten online...help with problems, tank installs, cleanings and knowledge....and you must be able to find a way to charge for that. You've already seen that you help people so they run out and buy online...


    I am on your side...it has happened to me...adjust, adapt and move on!



  6. If you've got algae, you've got nitrates/phos...


    You can test zero for both, but nitrates/phosphates could have been absorbed by your rocks and is now leaching out and is being used by algae...


    If you had higher nitrates/phosphates in the past, you've improved your husbandry but are paying for past sins...continue with husbandry and see if eventually you can deplete your nitrate/phosphate reservoirs in the rock...



  7. I have been dosing vodka for 3 months..does make a great improvement...but you greatly increase the effectiveness if you dose bacteria at the same time...Microbacter 7 from Brightwell, ZEObac from ZEOvit...greatly speeds what you are trying to accomplish and well worth the effort...IMHO...



  8. GRRRRR!! I just placed an order over the weekend!!!


    I think I proposed 6 months ago (or more) that we should think about setting preset dates (like January 15th, April 15th....quarterly)....just to see if we could get more people involved, knowing ahead of time there was a group buy coming up...I should have followed through with the idea as it was the single best idea I've ever had in my life!!! GGGRRRR!!!!



  9. Check out this...MSX 200 on steroids...I got rid of tube for air intake and put gravel vacuum adapter on...yea, I know the upper clear tube is big, but it serves as a muffler...I am still experimenting on muffler designs that cut sound but not reduce air intake or increase resistance...!!! Plus, I took out mesh mod and put in purple pinwheel...positive improvement.!


    Look at the crap this pulls out of my 135 in 2 days!!!










    Trip 2 weeks ago to Yosemite....sorry, couldn't help it!!!



  10. Instant idiots need only apply!


    Looks artificial...looks fake, dead and stupid...


    Now, any idiot can kill as many marine creatures as they can afford!


    No more waiting and learning and caring...Just add water and watch beautiful creatures die with an artificial background!!


    Stupid, indeed...



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