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Everything posted by Danik

  1. I shoot with a D90. Nice camera. I too got a package deal from costco, but sold both of the lenses it came with and got a 15-55mm 2.8, 70-200mm 2.8 and for micro a 105mm 2.8. The only bad thing buying a kit is they all come with cheap lenses.(plastic and high F stop). But it all depends on what you going to use your camera for.
  2. i've seen it in person, it's a nice tank. too bad you have to sell it all Monty.
  3. pm's sent...... 1 1 new 200 Gal box of Reef Crystals salt and 1 box that is half used. $50.00 four both boxes. 1 Jager 200W heaters. New. $15.00 each 1 Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerhead. Used for one hour. $10.00 1 Eheim 1262 pump. New. $140.00
  4. the left of the right? the one on the right in green zoo. lol
  5. Danik

    Which salt??

    Reef crystals for two years and happy with it.
  6. Qt is good, but in my 5 years I never qt'ed and never lost a fish to ich. "I few drops of garlic a day keeps the ich at bay".
  7. I just lost two flasher wrasse, not cheap. But I do have a purple reef lobster that I can't get out.
  8. Very nice, but you need more fish.
  9. it's a never ending battle Frank. my sand finally looks better. i did get 200 hermits from wet pets Hawaii and it kept all my algae down.
  10. Danik

    Sea Lions

    My company spends millions dollars a year to save the salmon, and we loose alot to sea lions. IMHO they should sell hunting tags for sea lions and enforce the rules.
  11. Just a snail, I have tons of them. They are fast little guys.
  12. Danik

    Black Limpit

    one time i had a lot of them in my old 120g tank. but they never liked hair algae for me. they would always come out at night. till one day i just removed them and fed it to my mantis. i was afraid they would eat my corals ;P
  13. Nice set up, get some snails and run gfo. Corraline in not green, I had some the green on my rocks too but after a nice clean au crew ( 200snails and 130 hermit crabs) it went away. Oh yeah the six line monster, I took my out so I could add 5 other piecefull wrasse.
  14. Your welcome glad I can help. Hope all goes well this time.
  15. Thats it.......... Is your tank running? I will give you some green and orange cap and a neon green singulera for free.
  16. Danik

    Bad day.

    what kind of car is it?
  17. I took my Olympus 1030 sw to Maui and it's rated to go down to 30feet. I took some under water pics too but your seemed to look better. I think I have to play with the white balance little more. I was at the marine recerve today looking at tide pools and took some pictures of some zoos too. They are small polyp kind, like japanese deep water. Sorry for miss spelling, I am on the iPhone. Nice picks by the way Kevin.
  18. I don't know yet, have not opened the package. But at $555 it better be. Lol
  19. The stand alone unit comes with a cotroller to program the doser, as for the main controller I like neptune better. Maui is great, little rain in the morning but good for the rest of the day. Hitting all the good snorkeling spots when my kids go for a nap.
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