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Everything posted by catholicteacher

  1. I was told this was a yellow head moray but this looks nothing like I have ever seen represented as a yellow head, it looks like a gold spot, does anyone know for sure? Thanks for the help
  2. you bring the ziploc its yours and i do not have chaeto 2, sorry
  3. Sure thing, I have about 2 million pounds of it, how much do you need?
  4. My students are going to have a heart attack but after the advice of a lot of people it seems necessary that "Sparky" needs to go. I am a teacher but worked as a marine fish exporter in College and this guy is hands down the most docile eel I have ever been around. He does not eat any inverts, as weird as this sounds he is completely reef safe, he has been hand fed silversides and squid. I need to get rid of him relatively soon to start working on my options for a reef tank. Please send over offers. Sorry this is the only pic I have of him, he is about 2 feet long. Turns out this is a gold spot moray, sorry for the confusion. I am looking for $100 for this guy, would like to have him gone by next week. Thanks!
  5. If I do end up keeping this 40 gallon, I have a few concerns: I have a lot of caulerpa growing in my refugium which seems to be catching up on my rocks in my tank, how do I control it? Also, the aptasia is literally out of control, do I take the rock out and cure it. (I have a lot of Xenia that I assume would die) The scratches on the tank are pretty deep, I also assume that it needs to be dry for a little while before you buff these out? Sorry for ignorant questions, I am just thinking it would be nice to start fresh with a brand new tank rather than go through with all of these problems. Thanks for all the help, For the first time in my life I am on Vicodin (for a torn ligament in my knee) and I am starting to think I am halucenating, what's up with so many generous people on here? I definitely did not expect this.
  6. I currently have a 40 set up in my classroom but would love get my hands on a 55-80 full setup, I want to transfer my 35 gallon hex into my classroom for a 55-80 for my house, If anyone has 1 with halides for a teacher's budget then I am all ears. Thanks a lot! As for a trade: I have my 40 gallon setup listed on the classifieds that I am more than willing to include, I also can sacrifice my 60 gb video Ipod or my blackberry pearl.
  7. I just put an ad out on the classified section with the tank. I do not know all of the specs, I do know it has 4 96 watt compact fluorescents, a protein skimmer, a refugium, a uv sterilizer and a denitrifier. Thanks for the offer Dave but I think I am covered for the protein skimmer, I really appreciate it.
  8. I am a teacher looking to change tanks to a larger more aesthetically pleasing reef set up. I truly do not know all the specs, hardly any actually. Here is what I know: It is a 40 gallon with Stand/Canopy UV Sterilizer Hang-on Protein skimmer 20-30 gallon sump/refugium full of caulerpa 2 power heads 4 96 watt square pin Compact Fluorescents Denitrifier Misc timers, supplies, etc. I made the idiotic mistake of putting a mag float in the tank, therefore the kids got some sand in between the magnets and scratched it up a fair amount. Also the canopy and stand could use a sand down and a new staining or paint job, its not terrible but I don't think this would suffice for the oval office. I would be willing to sell with livestock and rock but be forewarned there are mutant aptasia in there that could swallow a school bus, also there is a cool yellow headed moray that is hand fed and won't touch the inverts, a large mandarin goby, plenty of snails, a ton of xenia and 2 colonies of star polyps. I would love to get enough money out of this to offset the cost for a slightly larger acrylic set up. Please send over some offers, the worst I can say is no. Thanks for looking, have a great weekend! God Bless, Mike
  9. Thanks a lot for all the welcomes, from what I have seen this is a pretty amazing club.
  10. Greetings yall, I am an elementary teacher in North Portland, I have a 40 gallon acrylic 'reef' tank set-up in my classroom with a ridiculous amount of xenia, and a crazy amount of mutant sized aptasia? I only have a yellow headed moray and a mandarin goby in the tank, the kids started a 'fish fund' last week to buy some 'actual fish,' they are saving up for some cheap chromis or damsels, but I would prefer to do a nice reef tank with some firefish or some gobies. I was wondering if anyone had any they would like to sell cheap or would like to get rid of for our tank. I am also looking to upgrade tanks to a 55-80 gallon acrylic as my tank needs buffed badly or trashed altogether and the eel is overgrowing his home. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks and God Bless
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