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Everything posted by jason7504

  1. I just got a tunze osmolator and i have the optical sensor about 3-4" below the safety float switch and when i plug it in the "too high" Red LED comes on and the alarm sounds. but the water isn't even up to the optical sensor. anybody know whats up?
  2. I'm kind of running out of room on my rocks and my top layer of rocks isn't really that stable. i was thinking of adding another pile of rocks towards the back of the atoll(red arrow) and stack to the top. or i could add a big base rock and take some rocks off the very top and add on top of the base rock to kind of fill in the atoll. It wouldn't be as tall but i think i have enough light with the 150w MH and 4x24w T5. i think it would add more stablility and add more space to add corals but I kind of don't want to lose the caves and the look of the atoll.what do you guys think?
  3. yeah i would probably get it if i had the money lol i would keep it if i were you, unless you wanted to sell it to me lol its a sweet coral. thanks so is yours! im not usually a big acan person but that rainbow acan that i added is sweet! and those dendro's really make my tank pop
  4. i can't tell how much the hawkins has grown. oh wow thats good i saw this nice large red planet colony that i was tempted to get but it was like $150. but soo sweet
  5. i hope mine doesn't fade at all. i know that some of the lower branches are shaded though so im sure those will probably brown :( also my ORA plum crazy is at the top of my tank and since ive gotten it it's gotten a little fainter purple from the darker purple it was when i first got it
  6. added 2 more corals and a new frag rack from bulk reef supply FTS (12-22-09) Left side (12-22-09) rainbow acan my new frag rack, i love it! dendro
  7. danik and reef165, the dragon rocks! i love watching it and it is a pod pig lol it also eats frozen too. its about 6" long and it mostly stays on the bottom or it will wrap its tail around a coral or a hole in a rock. but it doesn't mind the current
  8. thanks brandon i hope it doesn't fad since its not at the very top of my tank
  9. well after awhile without an update, i have some new additions. a dragon face pipefish I love watching my pipefish! he's so cool and fun to watch. he's so stealthy and slow moving as he stalks the pods. so sweet! my new rose mili and my new pincushion urchin the urchin rocks. he really goes to town on the algae
  10. awesome tank danik!! can't wait to have my own fish room
  11. i dont know, it just started appearing like 6 months ago. might of came on a coral or with the LR when i got it and waited a little to germinate
  12. make sure to bring the same variety next time that you brung me yesterday cuz its eating away
  13. well i think my mexican turbo and urchin are eating some of the red turf. i will see in the next few days if they actually are but from where i put them, it looks like there's a clearing of the algae. but i will post and update in a few days if they have really eaten alot of it..but i hope they do this stuff is a major pain in the a$$
  14. yeah its different. its a red macro like bryopsis lol
  15. i can try and get a pic too if someone's interested
  16. i have a yellow sun coral with 7 polyps for sale. it has 4 big polyps and 3 little polyps. $40
  17. ive also heard that tuxedo urchins work great. i'm gonna get a turbo and the tuxedo urchin and see my phosphates and nitrates are low and heard that turf algae doesn't really depend on nutrients as much since it can use multiple energy sources
  18. well ive been fighting red turf algae for the past 4 months and I have heard that some turbo snails and yellow tangs will eat it. I'm going to try a turbo and see how it does. Has anybody fought it? if so, how?
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