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Everything posted by jason7504

  1. man after a horrible first quarter, the ducks came back to tie and are down by 6 now but still in the game kick some *** ducks!!
  2. on a dresser around the same size as mine? was it solid wood?
  3. im looking for a used/new stock pacific coast 15g hood. anybody have one?
  4. well i tried all the wire combinations and none make a difference except now just the one lights going on with both switches turning the one light on
  5. i mean the right way to connect wires besides the tie and tape lol
  6. i run my phoenix from 12-7 and i run my t5's from 11-8
  7. brandon, whats the right way to connect them? reef165, well i matched the wires in size since some of the white stripes are smaller than the other
  8. I have a 2 1/2" maroon clown for sale. Its healthy and doing good. $10 OBO
  9. here's a video of my light to help troubleshoot: i hate my voice on camera!!!! lol
  10. I got a pacific coast hood that had been retrofitted to hold 4x18w bulbs instead of the stock 2x18w and it worked when i was at the guys house but he had to cut the wires to get it out of the stand. When i got it home i stripped the end's of the matching wires and twisted them together and taped them. When i went to turn them on, 2 of them just blink but never steady and the other 2 don't even come on. The little white cylinders just keep blinking and i hear like a clicking sound. do you know whats up?
  11. i have a used dual switch ATO from autotopoff.com for sale. It comes with everything but the return pump. $30 It retails for $50 plus shipping
  12. im looking for a small PC or t5 fixture with 36-80w and no longer than 20" preferably
  13. Im looking for 2 18w 10k and 2 18w actinic PC bulbs. anybody have some?
  14. anybody have any chaeto that there trimming or can spare? i just need a little and would prefer someone in the vancouver area
  15. well the dresser is about 5' tall, 2 1/2' wide and 1 1/2' deep and the tank size is 15g
  16. how much weight can the average wood dresser hold without bowing in the middle? I think its oak but not sure
  17. i had the safety float switch upside down lol but it looked right but i guess its not
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