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Everything posted by racefan

  1. Now Seachem has some good old fashioned customer service.I sent them an e mail asking if the test kit could be expired(thanks for the tip Woody!) on Sat. & today(mon) I got this response. "We will be happy to help. Though there is not an expiration date, occasionally you can experience something such as evaporation of only one of the chemicals in solution, allowing for skewed test results. I will be glad to replace the reagents, please provide with the lot number for each individual reagent (listed on the label) and your address. Thanks again and have a great day!" I didn't have to yell,scream,threaten to buy the competitors products or anything! They took all the fun out of it(laugh)
  2. I have a Seachem Iodine & Iodide test kit.When I've ran 6 tests & they have all been zero(3 with aquarium water 3 with the reference fluid)the directions say "Reference value is 0.06 mg/l" seeing as how the reference tests are coming up zero makes me wonder if I have an expired test kit? The only numbers I can find are the SKU#00116 09780 then it says Mulit Test Iodine & Iodide 28290 Anybody know where to find an expiration date? is there one? Thanks,Mike
  3. I have Comcast TV & Internet.I'm real happy with them.I've had the cable go out before & just for fun called customer service & said I really don't think I should be paying for a service I'm not receiving & she said no problem & credited my bill one days service.I've never called again I just wanted to see what would happen.I had Internet problems a year or so ago & the service guys came out(5 different ones) & never charged a service call & they ended up changing everything from the pole out at the road to where it went into the house.Every time they came out it would work for a week or so then quit.They were getting REALLY frustrated! I love Comcast.
  4. I had several until I got a six line wrasse.He has eaten all of them.
  5. racefan

    Montastrea Brain

    Here's a pic of the brain,as far as the eyelash/tentacles go,no they are way too small.
  6. racefan

    Montastrea Brain

    They come in & out constantly.I started dosing my tank (29 gal bio cube) with 1ml of Iodine(Vibrance) per week,could that be having an effect? Siskiou, I've had it since March.
  7. racefan

    Montastrea Brain

    So if I understand this correct these little eyelash's that were coming out of every hole were not part of the coral?
  8. racefan

    Montastrea Brain

    I have a Montastrea Brain coral. It seems to be healthy,it has good colors, looks fine.My question is it HAD little eyelash like things that would come in & out of the coral & they don't seem to be doing it the last few days.Is this something to be concerned about? Mike
  9. Looks great! I'll bet your itching to get that 125 gal going.
  10. First concert-Leon Russell Best-Pink Floyd (the wall tour) close second is the Who,man they were good! (Moon was an animal) Heart numerous times Steve Miller numerous times also The Kinks Beach Boys Little River Band(man the things you do for a girl that ends up being your wife) Various outdoor festivals that I cannot remember who was there.(scratch)
  11. Wow,nice looking tank! welcome!
  12. You would HATE this new mushroom/sponge covered rock I got from Isaac yesterday then,it's got a bunch of those on it.
  13. That's what that stuff is! I think it looks like cobwebs.
  14. Right now this one in the pic. is the biggest & it's what I would call small.There are 2 tiny others.I went & got a peppermint shrimp today.
  15. I had just fed the fish so apparently it had receded into the rock.After I read twogirls reply I went & checked & sure enough it's back.What's best to kill it? I've read if you get peppermint shrimp then you have to feed them when the Aptasia's gone.Won't that just add to my bio load?(29 gal cube)
  16. I had some Aptasia,nothing severe just a couple of them.I was pondering which route to take to get rid of it when I noticed tonight it seems to be gone.The only thing in my tank is a pair of perc. clowns, a 6 line wrasse,a fire shrimp & an Emerald crab.besides a few misc. snails.Could any of these have suddenly gotten an appetite for it? Mike
  17. racefan

    Anemone help

    Well it seems it did not like it's home(laugh) I came home from work today & it was just barley visible,I got out of the shower went & took a seat by the tank & it was gone? Well, upon looking around it seems to have come out the bottom of the rock(who knew the cravase was really a tunnel?).Wonder where home will be next! The white circle was where he started out.
  18. racefan

    Anemone help

    I got a bubble tip anemone on Sat. & brought it home stuck it on a rock & it moved to a cravase if you will in the rock.The problem is it's kinda deep & it's down in there so it's only about 1/3 the size it was when it's on the flat. I tried to coax it out of there but it's not really wanting to move.I'd guess it's about 1/4" to 3/8" deep. Anybody have any thoughts on getting it out so I can move it or am I just destined to let it try & grow where it's at.The problem is it's a $60.00 anemone that looks like a $10.00 frag down in that hole(laugh) Mike
  19. dsoz Thanks for the tip. I definitely am not going to tear the tank apart for one mushroom.I'd love to get some from you, however I do not get to Portland area on a regular basis unless I have to. I'm a truck driver & make 720 trips to Portland a year & the desire to do it on the weekends is pretty low.
  20. I used a dab of super glue when I put it on the rock last night(low light,low flow back inside the reef cave) & this morning it looked like it was trying to pull itself off the rock but I just thought "naw that's not it" maybe it was.Like CA2OR said,it will pop up somewhere,it's not like it can leave.I was just wondering if they decide where they want to live,kinda like a woman:D
  21. I have a newbie question. I got a mushroom yesterday & when I got it home I put it on a rock.Today I came in from mowing the lawn & noticed it is no longer on the rock! I cannot see it anywhere,do they decide where they want to live kinda like anemone? Mike
  22. I got some Rods from Doran today took it home & fed my 2 clowns & a 6 line wrasse.Man they went absolutely nuts for it.A little goes a long way though.I can see it would be REAL easy to over feed.I thought I was under feeding because Doran said to go easy on it & I still fed too much.Oh well,now I know what will be the right amount next time:D
  23. racefan

    Snails Dying

    Ricky, I did a little checking & it is a red Fromia.It was missing a leg when I got it,I guess I kinda fell for the underdog aspect;)
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