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Everything posted by racefan

  1. impur-It was eating normally until Monday night then it was eating sporadically.Other fish & corals are fine.Car is a Hyundai Sonata limited with all the bells & whistles(for my wife & I get handed down her Durango) tanktop-PM sent. Rick- I was feeding a rotation of Mysis-Brine shrimp & rods food.It was eating like a pig for 2 months. ccr-Does sound suspicious
  2. I lost my first fish last night(sad) I had a Baby Blue Hippo Tang(1" maybe) I've had him since 5/23,he's been doing fine,swimming fine,looking healthy,eating good.Then all of a sudden his color started to get a little lighter(just a little) & he was kind of lethargic & last night my wife & I went to buy a new car & when we came home he was a gonner!All parameters were fine,the only thing I've done was added a protein skimmer a couple weeks ago,but that shouldn't have any bearing on anything should it? We had gotten kind of attached to the little guy.
  3. Not to be a thread stealer here BUT... what is a good home use test kit? I have a API saltwater master test kit.I'm not overly impressed with it.Has anyone ever used Red Sea test kits? Mike
  4. Nassarius-Florida Cerith-Nerite-1 turbo-troucas(sp)Dwarf Certh. I've had several real tiny Dwarf Certh's popping up lately.Baby's?(clap)
  5. I'm getting some little white spots starting to appear on my rock.What are these & should I be concerned? Thanks, Mike
  6. Cool video.My buddy & his son are big into downhill racing,there's a big race at I believe Willow Grove raceway in Calif. they do every year. Nice crash at the end;)
  7. dsoz,When did this happen? I was trying to find a reply to a post about a skimmer the other night & there was a whole page of reply's deleted.That must have been where my reply went.
  8. That's a killer deal if anybody's looking for a pool.Heck it looks like there's 5 extra filter cartridges there.I have a 12x28 with a 6' deep end or I'd jump on it.
  9. this whole thread;) (but still fun)
  10. Siskiou, Did you ever get an answer about your bubble? My Hammerhead is developing one now.
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