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Everything posted by racefan

  1. Here's a couple pics of how I did my BC29. I have a Rio+ 2100 that I put in place of the stock return pump(had to take off the end cover & it fits in chamber #3) then I notched the back of the cover & got a u tube ( like this, but I got it at a LFS. http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=14680)& cut the end off of it & that goes to the pump then I just run a hose to the stock return inlet fitting.
  2. You might check with Matt @ Pet Works on Commerce Ave. in Longview.
  3. Did you grow up in Huntington? I'm from garden Grove. (I went to La Quinta High School) my wife is going to a Conference in Anaheim and I'm going to tag along & look up some old friends while shes working & thought I'd scope out fish stores while I'm out playing during the afternoons.(clap)
  4. I'm going to be in Orange County July 18th-21st what's some good stores to check out? I'm not buying I'm just going to be looking.
  5. racefan

    Wet Circuts

    I saw this over at nano reef. Has anyone ever heard of these? They are interesting if they are for real. http://www.wetcircuits.com/
  6. I've never woke up yelling but I used to talk/mumble incoherently in my sleep & my wife would always try & ask me "what, what did you say? I cannot understand you"( so she told me anyway) I warned her she might want to be careful, she may get more than she bargained for if got a clear answer. Besides that's just flat out not fair!
  7. Eric I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 27 years. I thought I had a heart attack 13 years ago & while I was in the hospital getting a stress test the Cardiologist came in and just let me have it with both barrels. He literally was screaming & yelling at me about my Mom dying of a Heart Attack my Dad having Emphysema & I was going to die next. I told him "shut this thing off & I'll never smoke again" he did & I haven't. I will not lie it's the hardest thing I've ever done.It's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done(next to raising a family) GOOD LUCK! If you want to do it you can.You have to be ready to commit 100%. The rewards are soooo worth it! Besides how can you tell your kids not to smoke if your standing there with a smoke in your hand?
  8. racefan

    New Fish

    Last week I was at the Fish Store in Longview all I was after was some turbo snails. I saw this guy well let's just say the picture does not do it justice. It's a Pearlscale Butterfly. So far it's leaving my corals alone, they said bring him back if there's a problem.
  9. Congratulations Mr & Mrs President. Hope your married life is as wonderful as mine has been for the past 28 years!
  10. I don't need anything right now but I'll damm sure be sending positive thoughts your way. Hope everything works out! Mike
  11. It was replace the mailbox day thanks to someone doing a drive by bashing on it for me. Now it's a steel locking box mounted on u shaped steel posts concreted in the ground. Next time the bat should rebound with enough force to take out a couple teeth I'm hoping(clap) But it was a great Fathers day, my Daughter sent me the Woodstock CD & my son came home from WSU for the summer on Sat.(clap)
  12. Oh great a psychiatric test DOH! I don't see anything:D
  13. I awoke today to little bits of orange pieces scattered about my downstairs tank & my RBTA missing. It looks like it may have gotten sucked in a powerhead & blenderized throughout the night. Do I need to do anything other than maybe add some fresh carbon? Mike
  14. racefan

    I'm a Believer!

    I have never had a quarantine tank before(I know..I know). Well I finally set one up when I got my latest 2 fish. It's sooo nice to keep a watch on them & see not only see that they are healthy, but watch my McCosker's Wrasse get bigger & stronger in only a week & not have to try & find him hiding amongst the rocks. Mike
  15. Congratulations! you guys are going to have so much fun & good times ahead!
  16. His voice is amazing! I kinda liked Howie's little wise crack at the very end:D
  17. I can't stand the rain,I hate it with every fiber of my body! I'm one of those freaks that really loves it when it's 100 degrees out. To me there's nothing better than sitting in the the hot sun & letting it bake your insides(clap) I think I was a Lizard in another life that just stretched out on a rock in the sun & ate passing bugs. I know..I know why am I living here? I wonder that myself,although I'm not a native.
  18. I guess this would qualify as a DIY. It's my water setup. I mounted my RO/DI on my shop wall then I got a food grade barrel from Trailer city on Columbia Blvd. (just a couple blks from Seahorse) and put a 3/4" bulkhead fitting & faucet in the bottom,on the left of the bbl is a 3/4" pvc 90 degree elbow with a garden hose hooked to that runs out the shop door.It's the same principle as a car radiator overflow,that way if the float fails the water will go out the overflow, run through garden hose to the outside instead of all over my shop floor. I have a garden hose adapter to hook the water supply line to, then the wastewater line will go to the swimming pool(should we ever get warm enough weather to take the winter cover off) The little white barrel is a 25 gal carboy that I got at Bader wine making supply in Vancouver($25.00 if I remember right) & put a bulkhead & faucet in it. I teed the fresh water line to go the either the blue barrel that is saltwater, and put a shut off valve in it so it does not pump fresh water into my mixed saltwater(I have a pump in it for circulating when I mix the salt water) or the white barrel that's fresh water for top off's(I don't have ato's) Then I used scrap lumber & built the stands the correct height for a 5 gal jug (salt) or a 1 gal jug(fresh) so I don't have to constantly monitor them when I fill them. I'm going to guess the total cost for everything including RO/DI unit,2 barrels,misc. fittings,extra water line about $200.00. P.S. there's also a squeegee in case of those oops moments!
  19. Bio Cube 29-3 gals one week 5 gals the next week. 40 gal- 10 gals every other week.
  20. I'm going on vacation in a month and a half. I knew I should not have read this thread!DOH!
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