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Posts posted by talkalot82

  1. I have noticed my bubbletips get more bubbles when I put regular iodide in my tanks. also The one I have under metal halide 14k is more greener than the ones I have under

    t5 actinic amount two and two day light bulbs. Though I have had them about the same time. They were both from the same cloned anemone. Also the anemones under metal halide 14k bulbs seem to grow twice in size. though neither anemones have ever wondered through either of my tanks, and still on their original rocks. Of course this is just my experence over 10 years time. However I have to replace the metal halide bulbs once a year normally sooner and the t-5's I change about every 18 months. And metal halides are about 50 bucks for one bulb and my t-5's per bulbs are give or take 18 bucks. though I have to buy a larger amount of those. so It all depend.


    I did have an small long tenacle anenome that was rather small when I bought it in a small 5 1/2 gallon and no clown and I used LED lights only and I had him about two years. he was just beautiful. He finaly out grew his tank so I have it to my sister a little over a year ago cause she has this huge tank and no anemones. she's has had him a year and a half about now. so I guess what you should do is experement. what works for someone else might not for you, and vise versa. every ones tank is different. You could see what people say maybe try it see how your anemone likes or dislikes his surroundings. Just only try one change at a time. That way you will know. Who knows you might discover the next great thing for reef systems

  2. Mine only takes a day possible two to open after they split, I run a butt load of carbon in mine and poly pads and just about anything I can get in there even k. pure elite. And my water testing for just about everything is just a good as it can get. I'm just anal I guess.

    Bubble tips do like good water quality and lots of light and water flow. Mine always climbs to my outlet filter bars all of them. course my rose seems to split about every two months. My clown feeds him too much

  3. so I'm very proud of myself I hooked my ro machine up under my sink yesterday and it works and no leaks and it reaches the bath tub. All by myself. coodos for me

  4. Matt wittenrich is it good? Oh so I went to liquid today and upgraded to an ADA tank less seals and it's basicly a 20 high tank. Im gutting out the plant stuff of course. giving it away. but I figure this way I can have a bit more water and it can also be my grow out tank giving that I'm just raising the fry for fun. Eric at liquid gave me a great buy on it. He wasn't going to sale it, but he likes me so he sold it to me. and gave me a great deal. I possible at one time single handly kept him in bussiness with my wants.

  5. the mushrooms are smooth green and they have been in the tank for years. same lighting. Haven't moved the rock. they just keep spreading through the tank until recently. its just this one rock all the others with the same mushrooms are fine. most of them have disappeared now on that rock and have been sucked up into my eheim I'm sure.

  6. oh and I got a new book. seems really cool very detailed and technical. Eric at liquid sunshine suggested it to me. If anyone gets time you might want to check it out. Its called Conditioning, spawning and rearing of fish with emmphasis on marine clownclown fish by Frank H Hoff. Its basicly touch basis with the Clownfishies book and also had a bit more to say too. More trouble shooting as well. No Pics though, and in not so much lamo terms like the clownfishie books either but still good reading if you like to read like I do. Half way through it too. at page 128.

  7. So I came home from work today to find all my clowns were dead. I dont know what happened. I had no ammonia, nitrates, nitrites. my p gravity was at 1.021, and my tempture was at 79 degrees. they had all their foods rotifers and baby brine no more than 24 hours old. I deshelled my brine before hatching. they were even eating flakes. they were getting into metemophic and everything. No one was home so I doudt they went into shock. I've been doing my water changes, and using the drip method to put water back into the tank. they had proper lighting. they showed no signes of over eating and or under eating. no bloody spots in the tummy showing a torn up tummy. and all of them. I'd say maybe choking but it was all of them. I am confused. I dont know what did them in. not brine or rotifer water ever went into the tank. Im just so confused. they were doing so well. I even had the air up real high. they could still swim in there however. they were hanging by the tank corners alot but they didnt get stuck in one. they were eating. I even had them on some flakes. what happened? any guesses?

  8. Gold xenias are the easiest. I say only Ro water for them or they die. Silver is good too but takes a bit longer to grow. Pom poms are hard to grow. I have some but They never frag right and they just dont ever to get bigger. Its the only xenia i dont have to flush in the toilet once a month. I only do a water change once a month. I do give the iodide, and I have ph of 8.0. Salt is at 1.024. also I have no nitrates nitrites or ammonia. If I did they wouldnt live. I also give the tank trace elements.


    If you want to get some eric at liquid has alot still and every thing is now fifty percent off. Hurry cause eric might have a buyer on his store from what I have heard

  9. My clowns are 14 days old now and they have color. they are pink tummys too and I know one is definately eating flakes. my temp is at 78 degrees so they are going to be stragglers I think.


    I have about six and not any pics yet. I try not to bother them they are in metimophise and it's a very hard time for a clown fish. I didn't start out with too many only ten eggs. so I have lost four so not bad. The clowns seemed to have laid the eggs on two different surfaces and I couldn't get them all.


    The parents are just about ready to lay more eggs, but I have limited space in my little apartment so I will have to let these next ones go I think

  10. So My twenty high tank PH 8.0, 0ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrate, 0ppm nitrites. salt is at 1.024. I have this one rock just this rock the mushrooms are puking brownish red stuff and then turning into mush out of no where. my other green mushrooms are having no problems and it startes a couple days ago. nothing in my tank has changed. Oh and lighting I have a metal halide 250 watts on for four hours and then two t5's go on for four hours. then off. my tank temp is 79 degrees. so why are they dying? I have tested my tank with two different types of test kits and they both read the same Oh ya nothing is around to sting them. the closes thing is a torch coral and he doesn't reach that far

  11. So today is day ten and I accidently last night sucked a baby clown into my cleaning bucket again and I think that when I tried to get him out it might have stressed him out and today he doesn't look so great. I think that I might loose him. Bummer. He doesn't seem to be eating flakes and or baby brine. His tummy is still silver. I just think that he's going to starve to death and there's nothing I can do.


    All the other clowns are eating with big round tummys but not him.

  12. I live in springfield if you want to see them they are going to metamorfic here soon, now they are eating baby brine. They are tomato clown eggs so when they are juvenile they actually have several stripes, and when they are older they lose them leaving only one. Most people will never see there juvenile colors. I know I havent so I am really looking forward to it.


    Right now one of my babys is starting to get his pinkish red pigment very exciting. Up to now I have had to search for them. Once or twice I have had to look in my water change bucket for one that has taken a ride down the siphon hose.. They were so small and clear and in a dark tank I almost couldn't see them. very exciting.


    I have had many loss, but There are survivers.


    Today I tested my tank even though I have a amnonia tester in my tank, it has let me down. it said safe. I did a reef test and I got .5 reading. after my water change. But this is ok because my ph is reading 7.8 so its not too hazardous. As long as I dont raise my ph with fresh salt water. I still have no nitrates or nitrites. so that is good.


    I also tested my water in the bucket today just for sh.. and giggles and it's three day old water. I know bad to use old water but hey it also kept my ph down which ended up making my amnonia not so fatal. But my water red low ph 7.8 and no amnonia or nirites or nitrates. I also for the first time in my life succesfully hatched two batches of baby brine. I normallly would have had the two liter soda bottle with the air, and I have had no succes with that. But I went to aqua serine and this employee suggest I try this other product for it so I bought it. Shrimpery educational brine srimp hatery.made by san francisco bay brand. It takes no air and just add water to the eggs and put fresh water into the top container and walla. 18 hours later I had bun loads of baby brine already fresh water cleaned. It only cost ten bucks not bad

  13. I did get the one in the long tank however the goby that was with him someone bought right before me. They tried to caught the shrimp too, but they coulnt get him. So they took the smaller on in the other tank instead. Right after they left I was getting a spotted mandrin out of the same tank and the lady helping me accidently managed to get the pistol shrimp, and I have always liked that shrimp so I told her that I would take that one as well. I just have one fish in that tank a maroon clown so really the shrimp has nothing to fear. Most my tanks have very little fish and more reef stuff.

  14. I have a mandrin already before this spotted. I also have a scooter blenny.I have way too many tanks. I seem to be great on growing copepods.

    Not as great at rotifers, getting a bit better at brine shrimp


    Oh and i found the perfect name for the fish "spot."

    my niece named it

  15. Hey if any one has clown fish eggs being laid, and they can get them laid on a substrate like a clay flower pot or a ceramic tile. Id love to be able to try to hatch them. I'd love to try some other species.

    just pm me and let me know

  16. Picking up my spotted mandrin today from eric at liquid. Eric has had him for a long time. Travis says he's been eating frozen food, and he has a big full tummy. Im totally going for it. On the possitive note I have a butt load of copepods. my tank is infested with them. cause my clown fishes don't eat them, nor my red scarlet crab

  17. cool. I gave them some today and I am waiting for the hatery to produce more. they are on day seven almost eight. Im still giving them rotifers and spirila, but I dont want them to over eat. Also the book says baby brine isn't as enrich food. Im keeping the amount I put in there rather small.


    I was also wondering do you bleach the cysts of the baby brine befor hatching them? so that the eggs seperate?


    So I have my tank painted black and the front I covered with a towel so I can see them when needed and I have noticed that some of them love the corners where is has silcone. I thought maybe at first that light was coming through there so I took lots of painters tape and I placed it in the corners but there still seem to go to the corners. They seem to have full tummys so I am not to worried, however I was just wondering what is going on..


    Oh ya my tomatos are starting to get some pigment.. Yay for me

  18. So if any one needs rotifers there is a guy who has them he sells real cheap.. he is in eugene name is bill trevarrow PH.D You can e mail him at trevarrow@eugeneresearchaquatics.com I have his number too if you'd like it just pm me. He was liquid sunshine supplier. Cool guy. he also does brine shrimp and a couple other rare ones to feed baby fish.

  19. Oh ya in the book it says to start feeding baby brine no more than two days old, because of their sharp and jagged, jerking appendages, becuase it can harm the larvas internally. It also says that certain types of clowns eat baby brines at different days. Have you had experience with tomato clowns? what day do you normally start tomato clowns on the baby brine? I dont want them to choke on the baby brine, and die or over eat.

  20. Id take a picture but they are small and my sister lost my digital camera in her move and she hasn't been able to find it and so all I have is my camera phone and when I take pictures of the fry with that they just look like dark shadows. But I am hoping she finds my camera as she unpacks a little more. At least I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  21. Iodine was in the clownfishes book by joyce D wilkerson page 204 under additives says," I routinely add 1 drop of aquarium iodide (5% solution of potassium iodide, also known as reef aquarium iodine supplement) daily to each 10 gallons of larval rearing tank water. Iodide(a neccessary trace element) is transitory in marine aquariums and a daily additions keep the levels up. A drop of iodide a day in a larval tank causes no harm and may expedite metamorphosis . Frequent water changes restore other trace element, and there is no need for other additives in the larval rearing tank"

  22. [ATTACH][/ATTACH]So I got a big pistol shrimp today from liquid and I was thinking about putting it in with my maroon clown does it need a goby to go with it? for protection?

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