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Everything posted by Benny503

  1. Thanks TankIt and Dsoz, I will follow your advice tomorrow: 1. Use turkey baster to suck all the red stuff 2. Do water change daily for about a week 3. Remove my rocks and cleaned it with tooth brush If three of the steps above doesn't work then I shut down my light for a day or two ( I really dont want to do this, this step is killing me: if the internet disc, direct TV die, my cellphone broke I still happy. But if my fish tank light goes out for a day or two... I will go (nutty) )DOH!
  2. These were in my tank for about a week ago, but it's getting bigger everyday. It's look like algea but it's all red, dark purple. What is it? does it harm my tank? Thanks in advance.
  3. Mods and admin, I posted this topic in the wrong box. Please help me move this topic to "Equipment"
  4. 24" Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=12109&rel=1 (True Actinic 65W, 12000K Daylight 65W, 2 Blue Moon LEDs) Coralife Power Center Single Digital http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3733+9685+11379&pcatid=11379 Anyhow, my question is how long should I light my tank? Currently I setup daylight and Actinic on at the same from 9AM-11PM (yes, I woke up early and sleep late). From 11PM to 9AM the lunar LED on at all the time. I just need to know how many hours can I leave my fish tank on? I would like to achieve a somewhat "Dusk/Dawn", I think I remember something from dsoz saying his tank had actinic on 1 hour before the daylight anh stay 1 hour after the daylight off. With the equipments I am having right now it's posible to have it setup like that? Thanks all.
  5. Benny503

    Drilling tanks

    If you do, please take pictures... thanks.
  6. Thanks Dennis, I will pick up some tetra min cyclopseeze tomorrow
  7. Congrat to your marriage!!! If anyone decide to check out the fish tank, please let me know I would like to come alone
  8. OOps I did it again!!!(scary)(wife) I told myself not to buy anything till I recieve my bonus, but I did when to Seahorse and get: Compact Floures Lighting 130W (True Actinic 65W, 12000K Daylight, 2 Blue Moon LEDs) that's is not all I also bought a Aqualight digital power center...... Help me here I am into reef tank to much... (nutty) My girlfriend come home from work and I sit there on my chair staring at the tank not at her or the HD tivi. (scary) I am a reef (nutty)
  9. Dsoz, thanks for your info. But I am feeding my damsey with with flakes they flow on top of the water, I only feed him a few piece and he finished them all. Nothing sink down to the bottom, should I buy something for bottom feeder? if yes then can you give me couple of good food for the shrimp? Thanks. Benny
  10. LoL You are right about it (whistle)
  11. Alright I did it... I when out and buy 3 turbo snails and a fire shrim. But I forgot to ask Seahorse what do I feed the fire shrimp with? DOH! That's OK!!! I have friend here on PNWMAS, they will answer all my questions.... Sorry to hi-jack the thread.
  12. I just bring my can to Seahorse buy their saltwater, it's cheaper and faster then mix salt and DI water. I tested their saltwater parameter and the result came out perfect.Each week I go over to Seahorse buy a 5G bucket for $3.
  13. People always say.... learn from your mistake..... but how many mistakes to learn (hidesbehindsofa) I am just kidding.... you guys are good!!!
  14. Since I am closed to all the marine shop. I will try a turbo snail tomorrow, if it doesn't do the job well. I will increase next week. When you say small, how many inches is small?
  15. Dsoz, it's a old idea that you are giving us. But that's the best idea out there. Thanks, you are (rock2)
  16. Thanks stylaster, yes I do find lots information around here. I made this page my homepage, over a month and I am still reading all the info.
  17. Hey theJenchild, I am looking for a CUC too, I live in Portland. If you make it to Portland this weekend we can go to all the Portland aquarium togheter find what we want.
  18. Thanks biomekanic (clap)
  19. Yup Dennis is a truthly nice guy.... lots of thanks.
  20. Thats a lot of xenia you got there Mister Crabs... When are you moving to Oregon?(naughty)
  21. Wow.... very nice tank. I am (drooler)
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