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Reef Alchemist

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Everything posted by Reef Alchemist

  1. If you ever make it up to the portland area I will take 2 frags...but at 4.20 a gallon the drive is a tad expensive for the frags. So let me know if you decide to make a trip up here or if you just come up here for any reason, just PM me.
  2. There was a huge thing on HDT the other day that talked about all of this...It was very interesting and mind opening...
  3. I really like a tiger tail to keep the sand clean...they do a great job!!!!
  4. It is all looking really good!!!!!! Your photos are looking great. I have photoshop cs3, but I also purchased corel paintshop pro x2 for like 49 bucks on ebay (nothing illegal and full version and most of the functions of photoshop that the average person will use.
  5. Andy, did a very good job covering everything...The most I can emphasize, is just go shoot and pay attention to what your settings are so you know the outcome of the picture...I would also go through each thing, shutter speed, aperture, iso...only adjust one and see the differences and then start mixing them up together to get a feel a for what you will get as an outcome of a photo...
  6. I apologize for my wrong answer in saying that the kit lenses will not take a filter. But I am totally with you Andy, no need for a filter. I am not sure why you have had such trouble getting the remote, ebay might be a place to try, call I can say is that the remote is one of my best investments, not just for the tank, but night shots and big ND filter shots that require a slow shutter speed. Like you said Andy, the self time works, just kind of a pain, but it does work just as well :-)
  7. I have a killer Tamrac Express 7 Camera Bag model 3537 http://www.tamrac.com/welcome.htm, I got it brand new for 45 shipped. Perfect for what you have and walking around. Some people get UV filters for their lenses, I do not...I do not think you can get one for the kits lenses, cause they do not allow screwing of filters on the front of them. you should be ok, just be careful. if you are really worried about the camera and lens you can get nikon armor, but just be careful and you should be ok. Get the nikon wireless remote, http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/207373-USA/Nikon_4730_ML_L3_Remote_Control_Transmitter.html Also I would suggest getting a flash, amazing investment, I would either get the sb-400, good for most family shots and what not, if the budget allows get the sb-600, not quite as powerful as the sb-800, but the read out screen is way better then the sb-800. I am telling you a good flash is worth its weight in gold!!! If you do get a flash you will want a diffuser to go with it, they are cheap (clap)
  8. The one thing I would do is read the manual front to back to understand all the little features it has.
  9. I have seen this before, it would be so cool to stay here!!!!!!!
  10. Good and accurate info... The flash off the reflector is a very interesting idea I may have to look into.
  11. You will need to get manual focusing down, but you will not be able to get the super macro shots that you see on boards sometimes. However you should get some shots you are happy with. It will take some time to figure it out. If all else fails you will need to get a micro (what nikon calls macro) lens.
  12. I would try to sell her on the fact that the family pictures will be amazing and they truly will... Yeah, you for sure need the AF-S nikon lenses. You may not use the advanced features yet, but you should play with them. Even if you never use them, your pics will be way better then a P&S. Also I would highly recommend getting a decent tri-pod (most on ebay will be just fine for your needs) and the wireless remote for taking shots of the tank. Can not wait to see pics.
  13. Yeah, no one can touch costco's prices...I think you will be very happy with the camera. What Andy said about bigger sensors is very true, however I think you will get the results you are looking for with that camera. The 300 bucks you are saving can go towards a good tri-pod and the nikkor micro lens to get some amazing shots of the tank...Can not wait to see pics!!!!(clap)(clap)
  14. Please do not get caught up in the watts per gallon thing, it is about the intensity of light. I completely understand where you are coming from, but 150 watts of PC compared to 150 watts of halide is completely different. As for your question, there are alot of corals you can keep...you have been provided with some great links above.
  15. If you think you will be perfectly content on sticking with an amature DSLR, then the d40 is probably the best option out there, the d40x and the d60 are the d40 with a bigger sensor for advertisers being able to claim more megapixels, but you will not see the difference unless you are printing about 11"x14" prints (google "do megapixles matter and you can read up on what I am talking about), which my guess is not what you will be doing. The savings you get from going with the d40 you can put towards a good flash and a better lens, the flash will make a world of difference shooting family indoors as well as outdoors as a fill flash. Also the d40 has more room due to the lower space used for the smaller sensor offers a better flash synch speed. I mentioned getting a better lens, one I would recommend is the nikon 18-200mm walk around lens, this lens will let you get almost every type of shot you will need, but it does not have the tact sharpness that other lenses will have, but again if you are taking photos for viewing on computers or standard 4x6 prints you'll never see the difference and either will anyone looking at your photos.
  16. This is very cool, are you planning to make a stable business out of this or is this just a hobby thing and if you make some money, then cool?
  17. Reef Alchemist


    I would hope so, they spend 100 million to produce it...they have made 400 million gross on it world wide...It is a great game.
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