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Everything posted by markdadof2

  1. It was great talking to you at the meeting...and just let me know when you are ready for a few frags and we can meet up. Nice looking freshies - I used to keep planted tanks, but once the coral bug hits you WATCH OUT...!!
  2. good info...I found one of these in my new tank just the other day!
  3. I am not a duncan fan, but after seeing these I would entertain the thought of having a few in my tank...15.00 is it? SNAP!...NICE PRICE for a great coral.
  4. I don't see why not, as long as it gets some light.
  5. Frank, I really agree with your first post. I shop around...I have a pretty good idea of what stores I can now trust with pricing. Recently I purchased something locally that I shopped around for and saved upwards of 200.00! That is a HUGE price difference between LFS shops. I will not say what it was or whom I purchased from, but rest assured the selling party will get more of my business. It all boils down to buyer beware....be a smart consumer and shop around...support your LFS that will help you the most and give you an honest good price.
  6. sweedish fish are great also. OK, I'm going to have to bring some to the meeting on sunday now!
  7. sweet (ooh, good pun)....I love gummy fish/bears etc.
  8. Losing a dog is a tough thing for us adults, not to mention the kids. I'm sorry about your loss Dennis.
  9. Oh, the weber would have been toast if it were a bit closer, but....look to the left of the branch - that is the traeger. If it took the Traeger out THAT would have been a disaster! The gas grill is to the right of the weber...it should have taken THAT out
  10. I'm ready, generator is gased up...had a few power bumps already! Will need to fire up the chainsaw tomorrow to clear the limbs from my deck: http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12360
  11. What a strange weather day. I was standing in the kitchen and got to watch this come down on my new deck! (flame)
  12. OK, here is a FTS. I wish I could figure out my camera so the real colors would come thru in the picture! GRRRR. I have a point and click but the wife has the nice camera and we struggle with that as well.
  13. I handpicked the rock for my cube shortly after he got it in - certainly some of the nicest live rock I have seen. Plenty of life on it after the cycle at the shop - with some very large featherdusters and various inverts. Good purple/pink rock! My base piece is about 34 lbs!
  14. Good luck on finding the syringe without feeling like a junkie....I had a tough time telling the pharmacy tech what I was going to use a syringe for (we were trying to decide what size I needed). She gave me the 'stink eye' like I was feeding her a line. I bet I walked out and she told all the other junkies about the 'reefer head' that just came in ha ha ha . I picked up some of that rock from Waves as well - I have about 60 lbs in my tank and no cycle either. I am constantly finding large feather dusters on it, and even a porcelain crab hitch hiker.
  15. greenish and brown...not bad but a dang pest. I have probably a few hundred on a rock...I'll just put the rock in the garage now that the clam is detached.
  16. So I have these wild zoanthids growing in my nano...I can't seem to kill them at all (tried injecting with lemon juice and Aiptasia X). Problem is, they are now on my clam shell...and I do NOT want to introduce them to my new tank. How would you go about removing them from the clam shell? Scraping? Maybe a hot needle?
  17. I've heard you can bake the used phosguard in the oven at 400 for an hour or so to 're-generate' it. Has anyone tried this and how did it work?
  18. Welcome aboard. The people on this forum are wonderful and extremely helpful. If you have any pictures of your tank you may want to post them, as we will hound you for them soon We like pictures! Hope to see you at the meeting this weekend!
  19. If it is just acrylic you can pick a sheet at home depot - or TAP plastics. In the past I have used a heat gun to put a 90 degree bend in the acrylic.
  20. That made me laugh. I have been running carbon non-stop in my new cube as I want to give it every chance to be healthy as possible. My Phos reactor with GFO is up and running as well.
  21. THis coral is coming alive in the new tank - I decided to move some corals over due to my nano being so unstable in the heat....I think it was the right decision. WHomever the person is that keeps leaving negative comments - come out of hiding...come see it for yourself. This is a great coral. I will have to get some recent pictures as the growth has been great. HA HA HA...you coral hater...it is GREEN....GREEN I TELL YOU!
  22. looks like what others have said - pacific green tree frog. We have them here and from what I understand they are a protected species. I was mowing with the tractor last week and one just escaped out from under the mowing deck! Although small, they have a very VERY loud croak!
  23. It would be fun to try one of these pumps and see how they work after a few months in a salt water environment. My only concern is how much heat they may put off
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