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Everything posted by jadams7

  1. Do it! haha. These do look great and offer a lot of usable space, just not sitting empty in my garage! Im going to give it another day or so until this bad boy goes on CL. Get it while you can, before it goes to the flaky masses!
  2. Hahah jeez Doug, you must have really got to someone good! I wouldnt put much into the rep points though, there are plenty of people on here with TONS that are mostly from post counts.
  3. Thanks guys, I love these tanks too. I still have one setup, just cant do a 2nd right now.
  4. $250 - Great condition 34 gal Current Solana Tank and Stand. In great shape, comes with black stand, skimmer, all necessary return pumps, heater. Just like the one here, without the lighting: http://www.marinedepot.com/Current_USA_Solana_34_Gallon_SuperBrite_Aquarium_w_6x18W_Nova_Extreme_Pro_T5HO_Stand_Saltwater_Aquariums_Complete_Kits-Current_USA-CU80016-FIAQCK-vi.html Also if you need lighting for this, I have a couple sunpod halides that would work, or a mint condition (like new) in box DE Lumen Max 3 HQI that I could sell also, and we could work on a price for these. like this: http://www.aquacave.com/lumen-max-3-hqi-metalbr-halide-pendant-by-sunlight-brsupply-1139.html If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks!
  5. and here is the one I have, that I mentioned to ya... http://www.reefangel.com/Store.ashx
  6. Yep, good party! Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making it happen.
  7. Hey give me a ring, your mailbox was full. I should be up around 9 Sunday. 503-931-5760
  8. Thanks Moto, I love these, but already have 4, so I figured I would send one out there haha. This Yuma is SOLD to Reefnjunkie! Thanks for all the interest everyone!
  9. I have frags of ORA Bottlebrush, and ORA Red Planet that I would trade. If you are interested in trading for the red ricordeas you have shoot me a PM.
  10. Haha well if you want to give this one a shot let me know. I am sure someone is coming from that way to the Christmas party and might be able to transport if you would be fine with that.
  11. here is a picture I found online of what these look like...
  12. I have an extra hot pink yuma, and could use a little extra space in the tank. Has the typical bright green mouth that you see on the hot pinks. About the size of a quarter when happy - $40 I dont have a pic, but can get one if needed, even if it is just a crappy cell phone picture. Also I will be at the Christmas party if you want to meet up then. Let me know if you are interested! Thanks
  13. If you are heading this way for the Christmas party I will take the meteor shower cypastrea
  14. Will you be at the Christmas party?
  15. I would get on the phone with marineland and chew them a new one!
  16. Just get her COD Black Ops instead and tell her to get hooked! The gift that would keep on giving!
  17. Not sure if you have one in your area, but I had luck getting Wii's when they were nearly impossible to get at Toys R Us.
  18. If you are interested, I have one for $20 with a crack near the top of it. I can send pics if you want.
  19. Sweet Beer collection in the back!!
  20. Ok well Emerald totally 1-upped me there! Go with that.
  21. about how many fish are in the tank? the best way, if possible, is to remove the fish and run them in a different 'quarantine' tank for a while, and let your tank sit without fish for a good while (I would do 2 months if I could). Often that isnt really possible if you dont have a quarantine tank setup, but odds are you will probably be battling ich for a while as long as the fish are in there. But you seem to be doing most of the other recommended things for 'curing' ich.
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