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Everything posted by jadams7

  1. Thanks, the overflow is glass and is already on the back of the tank, so it is external. The glass is beveled out to have the overflow, i can snap some pictures next time I update everything with pics. I plan on making a durso standpipe type deal to keep everything silent. As for the rimless, thats the way the tank was built. I bought the tank like that, new and never used (but for a used price!) and seeing as these tanks dont pop up all that often, I wasnt going to worry too much. I do like the rimless style, but only if I am running one light so everything is clean. With this setup i will have a few different lighting fixtures running under there, moonlights, and the seaswirl, and want to keep everything looking as clean as possible. If I decide to scale back lighting at some point then I can just take the canopy off, but as of now I want this to have more of the 'furniture' look to blend in as much as a big tank can.
  2. Thanks guys! I am going to try to finish up the caulking this week, and possibly get some primer started this weekend. I am debating doing black sand...I have a bunch that was given to me, I have never used it before and know it will end up looking like a salt/pepper mix after a while, but for some reason I am considering doing it. Any suggestions? Has anyone used it before and if so would you recommend it?
  3. So I have had my dream tank now for a while, sitting in the garage empty collecting dust. It is a 3' wide by 3' deep by 2' tall custom built glass tank, with 1/2" thick glass. Those dimensions come out to just under 135 gallons. I bought the tank a while back, and really wanted to take my time with this build, get everything I want done exactly how I want (stand, lighting, etc). So recently I got the stand and canopy completed (minus caulk, primer, and paint), and figured now would be the time to start the thread showing my (often slow) progress. The plan is to have the tank sit in our living room (where the white shelf thing is now) and run the plumbing through the back wall into the garage, where I will have my sump, skimmer, and extra tank running all in one loop. I have done this previously with my old 120gal tank, and love how quiet it makes the display. Plus, the holes are still in the wall, so it was easy to convince the wife on that one! As of right now, the plan for the tank will include running a lumenarc reflector with a single 250w bulb over the tank. Also I have 2x 2bulb 36" t-5 fixtures for supplemental and actinic lighting that will go over the tank as well. I do not plan on doing any SPS at the moment, so this lighting should be plenty for my needs. For my return to the tank I will have a seaswirl going, and for additional flow I have a tunze turbelle stream 6100 with controller and deco rock to hide it in. If for some reason that wont cover everything well enough, I have a few newer koralias I can throw in there as needed. For the skimmer, I have an ATI Bubblemaster that I have used before and love. I also have a Reef Angel controller that I will be running on the setup as well, which will control the timing of my lighting, powerheads, moonlights, ATO, PH, temperature (inside the tank, in the living room, and in the garage), along with whatever else I decide to hook up to it. With the stand and canopy, I really took my time getting this the way I wanted. I am a tall guy, so the stand my tank came with was not going to cut it. I also wanted something that will match our living room, and have access from all sides of the tank. So this is what I came up with. The stand has a removable door on each side to allow for easy access underneath if needed. On the back side of the stand, I added in a sliding door instead of one that pops out (to tuck cords and other stuff back there without having to remove the door completely) Also, anything white you see on the stand is the caulking I just put on there, so it will all be prettied up before primer and paint. The canopy has a frame which allows me to slide in and out my access doors as needed (I didnt want to fight with hinges, and wanted to keep everything as light as possible for removal ease). Here are a couple pics of the canopy sitting on the tank (yes, the tank is upside down, I had to drill the overflow box for the bulkhead and have not flipped the tank back over yet, mainly because it is one heavy SOB) And that is pretty much where I am at with it right now. I have some more caulking to do (heyo!) and then the next step will be some VERY heavy coats of primer, followed by paint. I have most of the live rock i will be using in a tank I have running in my garage, along with the big piece I have in my 34 gal solana, so that will be pretty much ready to go whenever I get this thing into motion. Anyway, I will update this as I get some new progress. In the meantime, if anyone has any comments or input/ideas feel free to let me know! Nothing is set in its ways right now, I am open to changes if need be, and I would love to hear your thoughts! ps- if the pictures are huge, or a link, or non-existent I apologize in advance, this is my first crack at using photoshop.
  4. I know its not for everyone, but I have the reefangel and love it. It allows you to write your own programs too if you feel so inclined. and the customer service is amazing (you talk directly to the guy who created the unit).
  5. Is anyone heading down this way that could possibly transport mine for me?
  6. I have a black stand, I can get you a picture of it here in the next day or two, shoot me a PM if you are interested.
  7. Thanks! Yea Tobias was great while the show lasted, and now i'm sure everyone just assumes I look like a bald nevernude creep hahaha.
  8. Good to know you have an Arrogant side to you too!
  9. jadams7

    New Yuma

    very nice. How long has it been in an established setup? Yuma's are known for melting if they just came from the wild.
  10. Put me down for one of each of these; Rock-Mags $ 15.00 each>> Rock-Mag Jr $ 7.50 each>> If someone could PM me with a paypal address and when to send the money that would be great!
  11. Anyone have a spare electronic 150w ballast sitting around? I could use one to switch lights out on my solana. Would do cash or preferably trade. Shoot me a PM if you have something, doesnt need to be too nice, just needs to hold me over for a while.
  12. beer and an argument with the wife/significant other
  13. Located in Salem, but may be making a trip to the portland area soon. There is no livestock included, if thats what you mean by stuff inside of it, but there is a heater, little return pump for the back chamber, digital thermometer, and all the basic stuff, including some coraline on the glass!
  14. Another bump, $110 and its yours! There is a chance that I may be heading up to the portland area soon also...
  15. Bumpin this up, would love to get rid of it soon. I am having picture issues with my stupid computer, but here is a pic of the same tank and stand...http://lh6.ggpht.com/_b6Zqy9uASsk/RZFlA1qVKZI/AAAAAAAABEE/GwGa-4r0BDw/IMG_1763.JPG
  16. Beautiful. I gotta get down there now to see a game.
  17. I have a 24g aquapod nano tank, with a nice stand. It has the stock 2 bulb CF Lighting, and I have 2 brand new bulbs for it also. Comes with all the necessary stuff, heater, return pump, digital thermometer, etc. Tank could use a good cleaning. I will try to get pics up tonight, dont have time right now before work. Asking $120.
  18. Updated prices. I could also use a 150w electronic ballast as part trade if someone has one sitting around.
  19. yea the guy in Grants Pass is the 'Frog Prince' shop or something like that. Lots of tanks, and he is willing to trade too which is cool.
  20. if you are ever near salem I have one you can have for a frag or something.
  21. yea no worries, best of luck finding a home for the clam!
  22. if you want to make the trip to the salem area sometime soon I could trade you some stuff.
  23. bump, make me a reasonable offer before they go to Rc...
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