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Everything posted by oxx155

  1. I have two of them. I will be posting a list soon of all sorts of stuff I will have for sale. I am basically doing some cleaning and some stuff is just sitting around (even though its all perfectly fine). Anyway, it will be up this week.
  2. Its sad that a few sites and people that dislike RC took advantage of the situation to spread lies and propaganda. I like this club more than RC, but its an invaluable resource no matter who owns/manages it. Its amazing how some people can hold some grudges.
  3. These guys find houses for rent or sale online. They put up their own ad with the same pictures claiming they are the owners and they are offering it for sale or rent at an incredible price. They typically claim they have someone in town that handles things for them, but they are either in another state or out of the country (some are even saying they are in Iraq). They claim that for a small "reservation fee" they can hold the house for you till their friend can get a hold of you to sign the papers. I have heard people get hit for as little as $200 and as much as $5,000. Its a sad scam that is taking advantage of people in bad situations (needing cheaper rent or mortgage than they currently have). Best to remember "If it sounds too good to be true than it usually is".
  4. Wish you were in Eugene, I would take it all.
  5. No prob, just wish corals grew faster, LOL. Saw a Sand Dollar for sale the other day on LiveAquaria, almost bought it. Without going too expensive I am definitely trying to add some unique things to my tank (I think my $200 Mystery Wrasse is about as high as I would go, even though I only paid $70 for it).
  6. Update: The auto water change system is running excellent and my water parameters have never been more stable. I spend about 5 minutes once a month pouring new salt in and starting up the RODI, it takes around 1 day to fill and for everything to properly mix, and then its as easy as hitting the "go" button. I have been lucky enough to find a source for Acropora Crabs and have bought about 5 so far. The Acroporas were doing fine before but I hope the crabs will help in the long run. I also added 5 Purple Chromis. I sold my last batch before the move and its taken me 6 months to find just 5 more. My pods are growing like crazy and my mandarins look fat and healthy. I have also had good luck with my 2 Blue Tangs, Copperband Butterfly, and Longnose Yellow Butterfly, which all have died fairly quickly in the past. I was also able to get my hands on a couple of Neon Gobies that are supposed to help clean the fish (and also reduce aggression because of fish on fish contact). Added some nice Zooanthids and an SPS here or there. Pretty much going to let the tank grow now and see how big things can get. Here are some pics.
  7. Some people know what an oxx is, some don't. When I was younger I used to be able to throw a rope over my shoulder and pretty much pull anything, so people called me oxx. Then I signed up for comcast a long time ago and had to pick a name with a number so I picked oxx1. When I moved services the dumb comcast guy said I had to reset my name and oxx1 was already taken (of course by me, but he thought for sure it was someone else) and made me pick oxx155 (my favorite number is 5). So for the last 10 years or so I use oxx155. Anyway, there is my too long of a story.
  8. Update on this product: Even though it worked well for the first two weeks it has since died and warranty is "limited". I think it works well for freshwater tanks, but maybe not for saltwater. Just my opinion
  9. Very good article. Some people really like projects. Thanks.
  10. Just thought I would post my lighting schedule incase someone is wondering. 10a.m. - First bank of 24" VHO's come on 10:15a.m. - Second bank of 24" VHO's come on 10:30a.m. - Third bank of 24" VHO's come on 10:45a.m. - Fourth bank of 24" VHO's come on 11a.m. - 48" VHO's come on 11:15a.m. - First MH comes on 11:30a.m. - Second MH comes on 11:45a.m. - Third MH comes on 12:00p.m. - Fourth MH comes on 12:15p.m. - Fifth MH comes on 8:00p.m. - First MH turns off 8:15p.m. - Second MH turns off 8:30p.m. - Third MH turns off 8:45p.m. - Fourth MH turns off 9:00p.m. - Fifth MH turns off 9:15p.m. - First bank of 24" VHO's turns off 9:30p.m. - Second bank of 24" VHO's turns off 9:45p.m. - Third bank of 24" VHO's turns off 10:00p.m. - Fourth bank of 24" VHO's turns off and 48" VHO's turns off 10:00p.m. - Moonlights turn on 11:30p.m. - Moonlights turn off Its currently a 12 hour period of light (not including Moon Lights), but I am thinking about changing to an 11 hour period during winter and a 13 hour period during summer, maybe.
  11. I also run Moon Lights for 1-1/2 hrs each night across the entire tank (although slightly darker in spots). I have a duct leading outside pulling in fresh air from outside and a fan going through my wall pulling out the hot air (both in the lights area). I also installed an air conditioner in the fish room yesterday to help keep the temperature down this summer. I am also going to see if Pacific Coast Imports can tune-up (refurbish) my CW-1000 and hopefully make it more productive (it seems to be struggling recently even though its rated to handle the tank just fine).
  12. I have never been great at lighting, I kind of have been testing over the years and taking advice where I could get it. I currently run 5 - 250 watt XM 15k HQI Metal Halides 4 - 48" 110w T12 VHO 10k Aquasun 8 - 24" 75w T12 VHO 10k Aquasun 8 - 24" 75w T12 VHO Super Actinic R All lights purchased from HelloLights. I might run more actinic in the future, I would like more blue in my light, and/or I might change the 10k to a 14k or 20k. Any advice would be great.
  13. I have a 300 gallon poly stock tank in a shed outside that it pulls saltwater from. At about 9 gallons a day I have to refill the tank about once a month to keep the system running properly. Its actually refilling tonight and tomorrow I will add the salt and mix for a day or two. Finally do some testing to make sure everything is good and turn the pumps on again, pretty easy, much less work than actual water changes.
  14. Lost power for 7 hours last night (some stupid drunk driver hit a power pole at 28th and centennial). I tried to get sleep, but was worried about my fish every hour till I finally got power back on at 4:15a.m. I added a Naso Tang, Blue Tang, Longnose Butterfly, and Purple Tang to the tank recently. Also added a Green Bulb Anenome and some misc. crabs and snails. The auto-water-change system has been running for a month now and is working great, the tank has settled out and is looking real nice. Still working on getting better at tanking pics with the new camera. Here are some I have taken lately. Auto-Water-Change System Dinner plate size Carpet Anenome New Bubble Anenome with Tomato Clown Hoping to have this area fill with Green Star Polyps and various Zoos. This Montipora seems to have some type of sponge? growing on the underside that sucks in water/nutrients in and shoots it out Clam being cleaned by an Emerald Crab Other Pics Corals are showing good growth and hopefully by the end of summer will look real nice.
  15. Probably should say I prefer 48"x18"x20". Thanks
  16. I need to buy a used (undrilled) or new 75 or 90 gallon acrylic aquarium. Some limitations 1. It can't be longer than 60" 2. It can't be taller than 24" 3. It can't be wider than 20" 4. I need two holes drilled on the right side of the tank to accommodate 1-1/2" bulkheads 5. I need one hole drilled on the front/right side of the tank to accommodate a 1-1/2" bulkhead If someone can make this tank than please PM me. If someone has a used tank that I can drill than please PM me. Thanks Douglas
  17. Got my new camera in and I am still trying to learn its nuances, but here is what I got so far. I used the "panoramic" feature to get a full tank shot It takes 3 photos and automatically stitches them together, its not perfect but I think thats more my fault. Some other pics that turned out better than others I will keep tweaking with the camera till I figure out how to take the best pics, then I will post more.
  18. I just bought an amazing product Eheim Sludge Extractor (battery operated gravel cleaner). It doesn't take any water out of the tank and works just as well in saltwater as freshwater. I just used it tonight on my tank and even though I had to clean out the "crap container" often it worked very well at cleaning debris out of my sand. I was skeptical about this product when I first read about it, thinking it wouldn't have strong enough suction, it couldn't possibly really go submersible, and that it couldn't work in sand, but I was proven wrong on all counts. I know that most problems with tank crashes occur because people don't do water changes and/or they don't keep the debris (dead fish, extra food, other debris) from accumulating on the bottom. I just thought you should all know of a product that seems to work real well at helping clean debris without the crazy mess, tubing everywhere, and loads of buckets. Now I have heard a few bad reviews (most good) so I recommend anyone interested in this product read more information before taking my word wholly. I am a firm believer in investing in the proper equipment to keep your tank working its best, so the $60 for this product was worth every penny to me. Its funny, when I first started this hobby I had very little "tech" equipment and now it seems I have techy tools everywhere to make my job easier and make the tank run smoother, LOL.
  19. Took about 45 minutes to do a 250 Gallon Water Change. I really need to get my auto-water change system up and running. Anyway, my new camera comes in soon and I should have new pics. Unfortunately I don't have time this weekend as I am moving the business to our brand new building, but once things settle down I will give full attention to the tank again.
  20. I get these almost daily. Rule of Thumb: Always login into any account (even email) by typing in the URL yourself, never follow links in emails.
  21. Hopefully the new camera will solve this problem. I used to own a modeling company and you would think I would be better at taking pictures, but I find taking pictures of women is easier than fish, LOL.
  22. I just bought a new camera Olympus Stylus Tough-8000 12 MP, Waterproof (up to 33 feet down), Shockproof, FreezeProof, Dual-Image Stabilization, AVI Movie, etc. Hopefully this will allow me to take better pictures and even put the camera in the tank for some real closeups! It also has a panoramic mode which will allow me to take a nice full tank shot without fiddling with photoshop (it takes 3 pics and automatically stitches them together). It will take a week to arrive, then I will have some nice new pics for everyone.
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