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Everything posted by defigart

  1. PM Sent about this. (IE I want it)
  2. ( Welcome to the site, and the hobby. I see your mistake. DOH! You should have told him you wanted a 210 Gallon, and then settled for a 125 gallon(whistle)(laugh)
  3. Mr S, Im sure youll see soon, if you haven't already. But theres at least two different color morphs of Zoas on that rock. Thought your kids could have more fun that way.
  4. So if you were a member would you participate? The program has 3 purposes. The first and primary purpose is "To encourage, the conservation of wild marine life, and the exchange of information, through the propagation of captive marine life;" You have mentioned that you have done some backyard research in this, with both Anemone's and Clown's.
  5. While is possible that your sixline is a female and is holding eggs, there are no known labriforms (fish in the Suborder Labroidei, [i.e. wrasses, parrotfish, cichlids]) that are known to carry live young in any fashion, (There are atleast 7 different methods that fish carry "live young"). My personal guess is a swim bladder problem (probably not if it wasn't that way when you bought it) or it has eaten a lot of pods in your tank, and has filled out. Ive noticed the later with several 12-line (aka 4-line) wrasses. Both fish are closely related.
  6. Reynaldo, So how did you vote in your poll? Doran
  7. Your students aren't the only ones. (whistle)
  8. Awesome build. Looks like Im opening my shop just in time. (laugh)(whistle)
  9. Did you guys see Andy's idea?
  10. Andy, I love your idea. I see great potential in it.
  11. Im in. So let me get this straight. The sponsers supply the corals to the club for a discounted price because the club is buying a large quantity? If I got it right, sounds like everyones a winner. I like the different levels of tickets. Perhaps a LE Zoa "league" too. So LE Zoa League, LPS League, and SPS League. Could we also sell space to venders/sponsers? I thinking we would have to pay rent somewhere even if only for a day. I see how this could go big. A very original and awesome idea. Good job Andy.
  12. I smell a shop hop. Yes your all welcome to come buy. (Yes thats a pun DOH!)
  13. Any reason we cant do it by ourselves? Seriously.
  14. Is that hair algae in the picture?
  15. To bad you dont need a 60". I have a nice stand and canopy that is big enough for MH's.
  16. I would like to thank Mike for both the 15W MH light and ballast, and the HOB skimmer he donated.
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