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Posts posted by chorse

  1. I have set up 4 systems with oceans motions 4 ways. Including my own 100 gallon. They work well but are a nightmare to plumb. It's not a perfect science designing a CL. My rock work created some dead spots. I also have dual sea swirls ( which I like better). I also have one Vortech pump which definately helps to elimenate the dead spots. In conclusion, the sea swirls are the best option I have tried but you may still require supplemental flow of some type.

  2. A customer walks in to your fish store and says " I'd like to buy this mandarin fish and six line wrasse". You say "What size tank do you have?". The customer replies a 20 gallon but I just had a copepod explosion.


    Do you:

    A: Sell the fish and retire on the $10 you just made. LOL

    B: Tell the customer "Sorry I can't sell you the mandarin because its likely they will only eat live food and a 20 gallon cant support enough copepods for long term care of a mandarin".


    Plan B is what I chose. This resulted in an angry customer that said they would go to the competitor who would be glad to sell him one for his nano tank. This is crazy. Right?

  3. The coral will only be fraged around once a year. It will also only be sold in small quantity. This coral has a very limited supply and is very rare. Making it "Limited Edition" or "LE" means that if you can obtain a piece you are one of the few who has it.

  4. I've gotten several requests for frags of this coral. Attached is a photo of the mother colony. I have 4 nice frags available all at around the 3/4"+ size. Frags of this coral are $50 and will be kept at an LE status. PM me if you would like to reserve a frag.


  5. I feel that buying and selling should be kept on a first come first serve basis. the matter of who is buying and selling is irrelivent. I also feel that this thread has become personal and petty. A moderator should consider removing the thread. This kind of topic is very discouraging to a business that has paid to be a sponsor here. It does nothing for our hobby. If I see much more of this kind of disscussion I may reconsider a sponsorship for next year.

  6. Jay, just wanted to let you know that we have some beautiful anemones in right now. To name a few there is a purple long tentical, green long tentical, rose bubble and green bubble. We currently have calcium reactor media if you need any. We also currently have 3 brands of phosphate media in stock. If there is a specific species of anemone you want we would be glad to track it down for you. Thanks for the feedback.

  7. Thank You


    Thank you all! It is rewarding to hear that our hard work is actually making a difference and people are noticing the changes. Hopefully, these are viewed as improvements.

    Both of us enjoy the hobby and feel lucky to put our hands around such rare beauty that nature has to offer.

    -Our warm thanks,

    Isaac and Cheri

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