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Everything posted by JeffP

  1. sweet. Thanks guys, that's what I figured.
  2. Well, that was a waste. What codec do I need to be able to view this?
  3. That is a massive file! Thankfully I'm pulling down at 650kbps!
  4. I'm assuming the bubbles I see up against my glass are nitrogen bubbles thanks to the bacteria in my sandbed doing their job. I'm also assuming this is a very good thing. Am I assuming correctly? Or am I being a 'tard? Should I stir the bed to clear the bubbles up, or let them rise on their own time?
  5. Thanks Nyles! I tried that just the other night - so far it withstood the impact of my medium Turbo...now I'm hoping it can withstand the powers of Goggalor (I named my giant)!
  6. I've got a couple of neon green hydnophora frags, thanks to unintentional breakage of my main colony. One is smaller, about the size of a Canadian $2 coin - it's been attached to a small rock for a few weeks now and everything looks great. I've also got a larger one that's not yet glued to a rock. I'd be interested in almost anything that's not a zoa or a mushroom. I'll try to get some pics tonight and post them. But the frags look great, excellent color and good extension of the polyps when lighting it right.
  7. :( [language filter] bumblebees. Well, I'll let them live for a little while. They are the only predator in there now (half dozen in a 60G) - so it's not too big of a concern for the near term, as long as the bugs can outrun a snail
  8. I've also got bumblees, cerith, narsarrius, and nerites!
  9. so just plaster on the glue then? Will the coral eventually encrust over it?
  10. [language filter] you Turbo Snails! I love you in one way, but despise you in another. I've glued the frags to my rock, but the [language filter] snails keep knocking them loose. What can I do to stop this? I've heard about putty - where can I get this stuff and would it work better than superglue?
  11. i'll see you tomorrow for some frags!
  12. I guess even if they hatch and don't mature it's still free food for my tank
  13. cool! Hopefully it pans out, would be pretty neat to have a sustainable cleaning crew
  14. Got home from work last night and saw the tell-tale sign of Cerith snail eggs. What is the likelyhood of these actually hatching in the tank? I noticed the night before another cerith spewing sperm into the tank - could things be promising?
  15. Yeah I can see the 60 being a little limiting - but I also bought it to be my default lens since it's so sharp
  16. what's the price for one of these guys? can that be discussed here?
  17. If your camera allows you to shoot in RAW mode, do that - then you can manipulate the white balance all you want without affecting the picture itself. Great looking tank BTW!
  18. Thanks for the frags last night. It wasn't long and the polyps all opened up on the pokerstar, with the other two frags close behind.
  19. ok so you put some chopped "dry" garlic paste in there? I'd seen some food has garlic added, never really understood why.
  20. Wait a second...you actually put a clove of garlic in the tank?
  21. it's a 60G tank, but I'm going to hold off for quite a while on the mandarin. I want to set up a fuge before I even consider getting one of those beauties. Yeah, I did see an amphipod a while back, and saw some dead ones (or molted shells) last time I basted my LR before a water change. I was planning on ordering the 99 special from IPSF as well, then last night when I saw all these bugs I changed my mind a bit. Not to mention, I scored some spaghetti worms as hitchers on some Hydnophora a couple weeks ago, and those are cool to watch too. Oh, so this is funny - I was looking in my tank the other day and I saw something that struck me as really odd. It was a hermit between homes, all wimpy and lonely looking. There are empty shells for him to move into, but then the next day he was STILL homeless and more surprisingly alive. They look pretty creepy when not in the shell.
  22. I have no picture, but was looking in my tank last night and was cursing the lack of bugs...then I looked closely on the glass and saw a snotload of small brine shrimp looking things squiggling about - some even playing a game of chicken with my Turbo's mouth. I'm guessing these bad boys are the pods I've been looking for 2 months for. (laugh) Here I thought they'd be larger - guess not! And actually, mixed in with the small guys was a longish (like 0.5cm) worm looking thing, still too small for my naked eye to pick out any details though... i'm guessing some other type of beneficial bug.
  23. Thanks Lowman - I should get an order in for this week since I'll actually be around to pick it up.
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