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Posts posted by junior

  1. Oh I know they are touchy and know it can be a pain with them. When we met I asked if he had tested it and he said no. I told him I wouldn't be able to test it for about month because I didn't have a CO2 tank at the time(was slowly putting the tank together). His response was that he thought it would work perfect but if there was issues to contact him and he would refund the money if it was beyond repair. Well once I tested I contacted him via his phone and on here with no response.


    So that is the issue not that it was broken, more of how he is dealing with the situation or not dealing with it. The price wasn't that much so its not the end of the world but just didn't expect to run into a dead beat on PNWMAS since this is such a small community. I have been a lurker/member since 2003 and never had a single problem until now.


    I would still keep it if it was one component to be replaced but there isn't one part of it that can be salvaged. More or less its just junk.


    Also both items had problems that he didn't disclose when I purchased them, the regulator he couldn't have know but he knew the bulb didn't work. As said before wasn't a problem since I replaced them with 6700k, but would have been if I wanted to use actinic lighting.

  2. I have been a long time member on here, but haven't been active in the club since it moved from thereeftank. My old tag was Renzema, and many of you that have been here a long time may remember me. Since the club moved to this site I have been out of the hobby for the most part.


    Many members have bought items from me and I have bought many items without a problem until now.


    About a month back I bought a CO2 regulator & 4' CF hood that was listed by 7Max-GTE.


    Here are the threads:




    He met me in Corvallis which was very nice of him and we talked about my plans for these items. I was putting together a planted tank but wouldn't be setting it up for about another month. He mentioned that he hadn't used the regulator and that if there was a problem with it to contact him.


    Well once getting home I was able to test the light to find out that one of the actinic lights didn't work. Was told they all worked but I was replacing them with 6700k lights for the plants so no big deal.


    Flash forward 3 weeks later and I am setting up my planted tank. I pick up a CO2 tank and hook up the regulator to find out that it is complete junk. The solenoid is shot and doesn't shut off, the needle valve won't hold a bubble count, one of the pressure gauges doesn't work at all.


    So I contact 7Max-GTE by PM and by phone(text message), with no response. I have seen that he has logged onto PNWMAS and posted but still won't respond in anyway.


    Its a small amount of money but just didn't expect this from an active member of this site since I have always such great experience and met great people on here.


    Just putting this up as a cautionary tale for the next buyer.


    Thanks for reading


  3. I am in oregon and went to the local eugene show a few weeks back and took a flyer about Reptile Underground but we have since lost it and can't find any info on them.


    If you have their contact info that would be wonderful. We are heading down that way and was hoping to stop in.


    They are supposedly mostly for reptile breeders and I was wanting to check them out.


    Any help would be appreciated.





  4. Thank you, I used it before so its not completely full but still has a lot of pressure.


    I will be taking some pics tonight but haven't been home yet.


    Also anyone who is south of me... I will be heading down to ashland tomorrow so will be coming down I-5.


    I also have a remora pro listed and can drop off on my way down.

  5. I was a member back when it was on the reef tank, my member name was Renzema and I had built tanks and stand for quite a few of the members and was very active in the meetings but I watched a lot of people who were trying to help the club being treated very badly and decided that it was best to no longer deal with pnwmas.


    I am not sure what happened with coral but him putting up it was sold, long before it was caused a lot of problems since he decided to not pick it up and yes the night you went to portland I was here all night and waited tell about 10. He contacted me when you were in portland saying he would call me that night to come by then nothing, I called and recieved no answer, so I contacted fish about the skimmer. He then contacted me later saying he still wanted but then once again fell off the face of the earth.


    To fish I sent you a pm and you will understand once you read it. I am not going to publicly put that up here.


    Here are the pics he requested. I sent him a PM because he mistook something I said and believe it to be damaged, which is not the case it is in perfect order. As you can see in the pics I replaced the intake tube long ago because it had started to break down from the uv light, it is schedual 80 to be sure that there will be no problems. That is what I ment by "reseal" I guess he took it as a damaged area when in reality it is just not stock.



  6. ok more will be added but this is what I have for now.


    RO/DI 100g/day was $150 brand new. Never used just hooked up. Asking $60


    Remora Pro w/ mag 3 asking $65


    28g Bow front w/ stand was $300+ from petco asking $50. This will also come with about 40lbs of sand.


    2 20g talls asking $15 a piece


    Non Fish related items:


    Love Sac(aka Huge 6'+ bean bag) w/ cover. These are usually $300 used and $500 new but want it gone asking $125


    55" HD big screen TV asking $300


    If you have any questions feel free to call me or e-mail me at renzema@gmail.com





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