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Everything posted by 180Brandy

  1. Welcome to the site!!! Be sure to show us pictures. Show and tell is very popular around here.
  2. I will mail out tickets. I will also have a list.
  3. I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! And be safe if you are traveling this holiday. No driving and eating the turkey leg at the same time.....
  4. The best thing to do is to choose a store go there and compare.
  5. 42" Toshiba Regza 1080P/120HZ. That was our Christmas present last year. We really like it. Got it for a really good deal too. Another question can you play other dvds on blue ray?
  6. Step by step pictures are also welcomed!!!!
  7. Who here has blue ray? If so do you like it or is it not worth getting?
  8. Have you all shopped at http://www.videoonly.com/index.htm? They seem to have some really good deals on stuff.
  9. Also watch out for watch out for pre black Friday sales. Beware the scam A couple years back I had wanted to get a hot ticket item and saw it one of the ads come to find out you had to read the really fine print to know that the sale started the day before and black Friday and they were all sold out.....(flame). I wonder what the new OOO AWWW item will be this year??? Does anyone know? Where ever you buy your new TV from make sure that the warranty is good if the company goes out of business.
  10. Welcome to the club. make with some pictures show and tell is very popular around here!!!
  11. I did my part pm sent. I voted and I'm sick with the flu.
  12. Hope you have a super de duper day. (party) (dancing)
  13. Welcome to the site!! Very nice rock work. So what kinds of things will you be keeping in your tank?
  14. Cant wait this is so cool!!!!!
  15. I like your rock work. It will look so awesome once it turns purple!!! Could you take a full tank shot. Pretty please.....
  16. Why you contact me! All you have to do is go to the home page and click on join. Once you join I will send you your card. Please include your screen name.
  17. Thank you all so much!!! All of you rock!!!!
  18. Thank you all sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Thank you so so so so much !!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I like your rock work too! How did you get it so stable? Magic? (scratch)
  21. Welcome aboard!!! Lets see some pictures!! Show and tell is very popular around here!!!
  22. I'm not sure in Portland but in Eugene there is a program called legal aid. Its set up so you can ask questions and help if needed. check out this website http://www.ojd.state.or.us/osca/cpsd/courtimprovement/familylaw/legalaid.htm Hope this helps
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