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Everything posted by matty

  1. You don't by chance need a big piece of kenya tree coral for that tank do you?
  2. Here are mine! Excuse the crappy pics.
  3. I love mine! I don't think I will use any other pump from now on. Expensive but well worth it!
  4. I know the first one I got had been there for a little while but the second was just in! I will have pics soon when I start my tank thread.....I'm a slacker and can't use my camera for chit.. The larger one is completley black and the small one has an orangish face but he is younger I think.
  5. Nice! I have heard this from many people on other forums. I think you get what you pay for with this company.
  6. Interesting. Thanks for the response. The reason I asked was I just got 2 b/w clowns from upscales and wanted to know what I should look for as I don't want to lose them (nono). One was like 3 weeks ago and the other about 1 week ago. They seem to be doing good. They seem also to have paired some what (naughty). The first one I got is like twice the size as the second.
  7. Can you elaborate on "low survival rate"? In my experience when fish die it is for a reason. To say that because they come from that particular company they will die is a pretty blanket statement.
  8. If you equate your actions on this site or any other forum no matter the size to your profassional rep you are doing life wrong! You love animals, you have a good education, you help others etc. All good qualities but at the end of the day.....this is still just a saltwater forum. If you don't like the way it works. Become a member, run for one of the board positions, and make the changes you want to see. Surely you being the "civil rights freedom fighter" you are should know how it works!
  9. Upscales has them for the best price I have seen around. They don't have pairs but you can pair them. They are $35 each.
  10. I had it in my old 40g. I hated it. Not only does it have no buffering quality it shows every bit of detritus and gunk that falls on it. It's like a black car that you have to wash all the time.
  11. I like to search for these type of i.d. questions. While I was looking to help you with your crab I found this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/swcrabid6.htm If you look a little down the page at the topic Crab Identification - 10/18/06. I don't know if it's what you have and she as far as I can tell still doesn't know if the crab is what killed her two scallops.
  12. Cynarina lacrymalis maybe? http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=16+2157+2178&aid=2336
  13. Mac and Jack's african amber is one of my favorite beers! It sucks they only sell it in kegs. I mean don't get me wrong I prefer tap beer but I like to drink on the couch also!
  14. It's easy: 1: Pay some money 2: Get a cool frag of some zoa's 3: Let it grow 4: Profit! (maybe)
  15. Under the actinics in my tank they all glow! My camera sucks but I did just get one of these for my b-day... http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=177&modelid=17995 So maybe a vid would be in order....as soon as I figure out how to use it!
  16. I just got some of these sexy *** zoas tonight......(rock2) Buy with confidence.....great guy and great corals!
  17. Got a bunch from snowpunk and ca2or....nice guys and great zoas! I will post pics soon when I start my tank thread.
  18. You could make a worm trap. Cut the top off of a bottle and invert it into the bottle and glue it. Put some food in it and set it on the bottom near where you think it might be hiding. You could use like a 20oz soda bottle or if it's huge a 2liter...:( Like this one...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1165930/Barry-giant-sea-worm-discovered-aquarium-staff-mysterious-attacks-coral-reef.html (scary)
  19. Sounds good! CA2OR: Holy crap that's a lot of zoas. Most of those look good to me. I will send you a p.m. and maybe we can set something up.
  20. I am interested in buying some colorful Zoas. I only have some pinks and purples so far so even every day ones would be cool. I just started adding livestock to my new tank and would like to start collecting some Zoas. Cheap is always good as well......(laugh) Watcha got? Thanks!
  21. Randy.....got any zoas or acans for sale?(or anyone else)....
  22. That is a good day....(clap) Nice bike!
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