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Everything posted by DennisW

  1. Actually Alex, it was the mohawks I wanted not the AOG's. Although...Naw..I already have some. Dennis
  2. Ill take the mohawks! Sent ya a pm Dennis
  3. I run 8.2 to 8.4 with 4 teaspoonfuls of kalk in 5 gallons of top off water. I also dose 2 part. I have to dose the alk. half about 3:1 with calcium. Magnesium is dosed once a month or so. Been using the D&D salt but nothing really stands out about it in comparison to the other salts out there. JMO Dennis
  4. Actually, it's, "swisher rolled tight, gotta spray my Ike"....just sayin' (rock2) Balling Lite always looked interesting to me but, not on my little 40gal tank :( Dennis
  5. DennisW

    woo wee

    Oh brother...they're really taking this naming thing to whole new level. Dennis
  6. DennisW

    woo wee

    what is ncra? Dennis
  7. WOW! Nice specimens Impur! I am truly in need of a 5-10 polyp frag of number 4. That orange/gold is B-E-A-Utiful! Dennis
  8. DennisW

    Check these out

    Check out this one from same guy. I don't know, looks a little shopped to me.
  9. Yes. Having the coral die in your system is not the best idea. I seriously doubt it would cause THAT much of a problem but....in my opinion, better safe than sorry. If someone will take it on, that would be good. Problem is, is that some of the diseases that kill coral are contagious and can spread to other corals. So, it is not very common for someone to want to introduce a sick specimen to their own system. Dennis
  10. I would take the rock out, chip off the dieing colony and return the rock to the tank. If it is a "three fist size" rock, you dont want to waste it. Especially with the cost of liverock these days. I have a kind of grave yard in the back of my house where I toss dead/dieing coral. It's unfortunate but sometime inevitable. Dennis
  11. Hmm...I don't know then. Sometimes these types of things happen for no apparent reason. I would leave the "finger" that is doing well right where its at. You can try and trim up the receded areas on the hydnophora to make it look better if you would like. If you are going to remove the whole colony, then just snap the smaller finger like piece off and glue it elsewhere in the tank. Good luck! Dennis
  12. Do you run any sort of phosphate remover like PhosBan or RowaPhos? How do you supplement calcium and alkalinity? Do you run activated carbon? Seems like if it just started then I think it has something to do with water chemistry. If not a GFO type phosphate remover then I would suspect an alkalinity issue. Dennis
  13. I dont think I would restrict the intake on your return pump. Regulate the flow with the ouput valve but leave the intake all the way open. It is hard on the pump to restrict the intake. Tank looks nice. Dennis
  14. This is called an "Ear" sponge. My question to you is, do you think it looks like an "ear"? (laugh) Dennis
  15. If it was glass, and had a different skimmer, it would be sitting in my living room already. Hey jadams, how's about your keep the tank and skimmer, drop the price a tad, say, by about $225 and I will take everything else. Dennis
  16. Oh good....I was afraid our beloved, local, best acrylic tank manufacture in the whole world had..well.. finally gone off the deep end! Dennis
  17. So cool, free frags for everyone that signed up for you. When should I expect mine to arrive? Dennis
  18. A "milli" is an acro. millipora is a species of Acropora. Jason's is definitely an acro. Not sure what species exactly. Dennis
  19. I didn't hear anything either. Can you resend my name as well ryan? Dennis Widmer
  20. Im in......I thought I sent you my info. Dennis
  21. DennisW

    Skimmer help

    It's normal for that skimmer. Go over to RC and look up aquac mod. There is a way to cut a small piece of plastic (butter dish container) and set it over the intake area of the skimmer and it quiets the skimmer a lot without affecting performance. Dennis
  22. Really? Well that might be an even better fit for me. What are the dimensions on the 90? 3'x3'x'2? Dennis
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