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Everything posted by SamatSLS

  1. I got e-slapped. Sorry for saying what many of us were thinking. ps. COOL
  2. Oh no you didn't Bob!! That name should be censored here! cool....
  3. ...............................................
  4. Join Date: 12-26-2008 Total Posts: 463 Posts Per Day: 42.04 PM's about this: (censored)'ing PRICELESS At this rate, you'll have 500 posts by the end of the day!! Keep up the good work bud! (clap) We need to create a new level of achievement points for this class of stellar performace!!! (kneel)
  5. CA2000postsOR : If you have a power drill, you just need a hole saw. Bring your bulkhead to home depot and ask someone to help you get the right sized hole saw. Then you can cut away. There's nothing too it.... Just be completely sure where you want to make your holes before you start.
  6. I said most! How could I forget all of the excellent adventures we've been on?!?!
  7. Yeah, I hear most people don't have time machines.
  8. I'm going out on a limb here, but he's probably testing the life of various MH bulbs.
  9. I tried to get here at 7:30 last night, and it said the website cannot be found. I thought it was my internet connection, but I could go elsewhere....
  10. I dunno about you guys but I wouldn't rather not get gifts for my tank, unless I made a x-mas list of stuff I want. My tank is very personal, and specific. It would be hard to shop for, and I would hate to get a coral or a fish that I didn't want. Maybe I'm just wierd. I had a few people with tanks on my list, and I couldn't bring myself to buying them anything for that reason. I know what I think the could use, but they may feel differently.
  11. yeah, we sell Workhorse Ryan, and I know a thing or two about them. The difference is in the program start of the Advance and the instant start of the WH. You should look that up, that's where the difference lies. We sell those endcaps too, they're nice.
  12. Oh I forgot to mention this. This thing only has one power cord, but has 2 switches. If you want to control dawn and dusk, you'll need to manually turn it on daily.
  13. I bought the fixture it came with bulbs. They are pathetic compared to good lamps. That's why I called them garbage. I'll create a list of differences for you.. The Tek Light uses Alanod Miro 4 for the reflectors. Our design provides the output and uniformity you've experienced with your current fixture. This one doesn't come close to providing the same output, you might as well subtract a lamp or more. Test it and let me know. They don't look like the old tek light reflectors at all. That's like saying my girlfriend looks like Jessica Alba. Yeah they are both females, but come on man. Reflectors are almost everything in the world of T5 lighting. You need to buy the best reflector possible, it makes a major difference! The fixture I bought did not have workhorse ballasts, it had no name on it. It wasn't distiguishable. AKA GENERIC. I would recommend going to reefcentral and looking up the differences between Advance and Workhorse. You'll find that Ryan is wrong again. The good ol' workhorse doesn't do your bulbs any favors over the long haul. We use Stucchi endcaps, not the "generic" ones found on this. Our contact points are stronger, and they are reliable over the long term in the conditions we put our lights in. Ever deal with arcing on a cheap fixture? We powder coat our fixtures. These look painted to the naked eye, and the job was poor. (runs) Aesthetically they look a lot worse in person. We provide a 1 year warranty, and as some of you know, if you EVER have a problem we fix it same day here in your backyard. If you do buy this fixture, no feelings hurt. I'd like you to at least provide the members of this forum with a review.
  14. Brand new 2 little fishies phosban reactor in box. $30 Includes 3 dented up bottles of Purigen. I think I have a unopened container of phosban as well. If I can find it, it's yours.
  15. Sea Chickens won a game! YES!!!
  16. I want a south waterfront condo facing the city with an Elos system 120XL in it. Badly. Or Beats by Dre headphones. The in-ear version. Please?
  17. Sac is going to get their feelings hurt tomorrow. This I can guarantee. Phoenix is in trouble as well.
  18. I just want to make sure that people didn't think these were Sunlight Supply Tek fixtures... Please understand how upsetting it is to find a dead ringer of a product you work so hard to make, promote, and distribute. A lot of people close to me rely on these sales to survive. Ryan, the differences are clear, just look at it.... It uses a generic ballast, no sticker on it, so I wasn't sure.
  19. Yeah, like I said it's new in the box. It's just sitting in my pantry 'o' fish supplies... You have PM.
  20. These are NOT Tek-Lights. Not at all. They are awful Chinese knockoffs. The reflectors are paper thin mylar, and the lamps are garbage. It's pretty cheesy. We ordered one to check it out prior to getting the lawyers involved.... Sam
  21. I got a 2 little fishes one, new in the box. Make an offer! Also have like 3 small bottles of Purigen, dented up, but still good to go.
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