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fly guy

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Everything posted by fly guy

  1. Good luck. Ive asked that same question several times at the big sites and havent had any luck. I hae heard of some suppliers that more often than not have them in colonies they sell..but acquiring them on their own is tough.
  2. I just made the argument statement to make sure i wanst misread........ Regardless........so in essence, what you are saying is that to get the most out of our MH bulbs, we would want them orientated the way they are in gopens pic, but simply add a 270 degree reflector(instead of the 180) to prevent the melting eyeball syndrome we would get from messing with the tank with the lights on???
  3. In both the way gopens has it mounted in this pic as well as the way the cccp and myself recommended, Both of those ways are horizontal arent they??? And the only real difference would be the concentration because of the reflector. Im not trying to be argumentative here......honest.......just trying to understand completely myself. ; ) If you look at the way those lights are mounted in those pics......if his reef was full fo rock there would be corals in the top center of the reef that wouldnt be getting any MH lighting, but common sense does now tell me that the corals that were getting light on the sides would be getting more of it, than if he did fliop them 90 degrees.
  4. Actually now that you mention it reefboy it does make sense......more concentrated equals more, rather than more spread out equals more. Although, like you say probably not a very large difference. Thanks for the correction. The funny thing about it is...that you have to admit the thought of opening that canopy with thoselights like that in the middle of the day to mess with something in your tank and melting your eyeballs is kinda humorous. : )..........or i just have kind of a warpd sense of humor(whistle)
  5. You might want to turn those lights and reflectors 90 degrees. it will spread the light through the tank better as well as not burn your eyes out when you open the canopy doors for any reason should they be on. Your tank is gonna LOVE them though. : ) I put my ballasts on top of my canopies. Nice, dry and safe up there.
  6. Fair enough. I have never personally seen a success story using peppermints when we are talking about a signifigant number of majanos or aiptasia. I also think that very few people use Joes Juice to its potential. I have found that if you shut off all flow and fill their entire mouths up with the stuff...it kills them dead and they do not return. They readily eat as much as you will give them. If you have lots of flow in your tank and just feed them a little bit, they will come back but it has been quite a while since i have used it and it hasnt killed them dead not to return. I will admit that i simply havent experienced peppermints being completely effective and it sounds like they can be....i just havent seen it. Being as i have witnessed Joes being 100% effective its easy for me to say what i did. : ) Kind of a funny somewhat related story.....when i got my first reef tank handed down from a friend, there were all these cool different little anemones in it. My wife and i thought they were kind of pretty and would feed them regularly and were amazed at how fast they multiplied........... lol......ill spare you the rest but Joes did get rid of them all majanos and aiptsia alike......and they were EVERYWHERE. We did a great job of empowering them to take over. (laugh)
  7. OH..the trawling thing????? A email addy was required wasnt it??? I dont usually offer my email but i do recall signing that one...... That video was pretty bad we got spammed........FWIW, i didnt sign the dolphin one until i watched the video.
  8. I dont know the answer to your question but i am curious how my email addy ended up getting spammed a couple of "save the dolphins" email in relation to the mass yearly dolhin slaying. Anybody else get these emails??? To be honest, its the first time i have had reason to suspect TRT, PNWMAS, or RC for either giving out my email address or (more likely) somebody hacking one of the systems and stealing it.
  9. I think funstarfish ahs some valid points there. But, for those of you simply running a fuge for pod production alone.......some rubble stacked up in the corner of your display can give the pods someplace protected to hide and multiply......just something to consider if thats the only reason you have a refugium and you dont have several fish relying on them completely for food.
  10. Personally I hate them. I think they are a dirty unecessary mess. I never have to clean my sumps and i LIKE it that way. :p If youre running a fairly excess nutrient free system and are getting bubble algae growing on the rocks in your display, it is feeding off of phosphates in the rock. You either need to continue to run a excess nutrient free system until it eventually goes away...which can take a long time....or cook the rock.
  11. Im open for a Tour de tanks CENTRAL if you wanna schedule one ; )
  12. peppermint shrimp are not a fix for aiptaisia IMO. Sure they can work sometimes but a bottle of Joes Juice is a necessity for any reefer i think. As you add stuff to your tank aiptasia and majanos are just part of the game. Joes juice will kill them without messing with your wter qualtiy like some of the other methods........there will be more aiptasia and majanos i promise and joes IS the solution.
  13. Keep in mind these guys just got shipped across the country and then brutalized by me right before this pic was taken.
  14. Well i took a risk and sent that guy we were going to kill some money. I was pleased, the rics i received looked exactly like the ones i picked. They are ticked off in this pic as right when they arrived i glued them and let them sit on the counter for 20 minutes......the following pictures in the tank were taken within an hour of that. They looked AWESOME by the time the lights went out this evening. Anybody looking for some higher end rics I happily will say that donovansreef.com satisfied this rather picky consumer.
  15. .....i dont know. I have just heard it would be bad so i make sure they wont leak. I take a pice of acrylic thick enough to hold the magnet...........drill all the way through it......then use weld on to bond two pieces of acrylic to each side. No way it is going to leak. What isnt pictured here is that after i cut the sealed magnets out of the sheet of magnets...i take my grinder and round them off.....then epoxy the substrate/rock whatever on... But if anyone knows a specific answer to ringwurms question i would like to know myself.
  16. On the contrary...........i stole THEIRS And i am now enclosing the magnets in acrylic. It works pretty well.
  17. some of those were pretty [language filter] good
  18. Not that im aware of..........ive touched them before without noticing anything.... Why? Did one sting you??
  19. You actually can install the T up much higher than that...above the sump completely.....then off the T put a 90 in with a few inches of pipe.......this is just so water doesnt splash out Sometimes you can even put a plug on the end of this pipe and just put a few holes in it kind of like the top of your durso. This will help tremendously most of the time but FYI....its a drain line not under pressure so you can play with it without gluing anything to make sure its going to work before doing anything permanently.
  20. first..ill say good call Nu2reefin......hes right...........i dont know about contaminating the entire tank but it isnt inert until it cures and you really dont want to do it. What you could do is silicone it and just put a powerhead with a venturi hooked up in both your tank and sump to keep the water moving and oxygenated for a day to let it cure. Thats what i would do....or you could just leave it. AS far as the other noise........try extending the drain line down below the water level in the sump......but as you do extend it put a T in the line with a 90 degree elbow coming off of it to make a vent stack........that should kill 80% of the noise........
  21. fly guy


    Sorry to hear of your troubles. : ( Nothing jumps out at me. How are you testing?? Curious what some salifert results say if youre not already. Sorry man.
  22. edit......they arent threaded.....a little bit of silicone could fix it ; )
  23. If im understanding you correctly its not a big deal as long as your sump can handle the extra water.......a little bit of plumbers tape on the connection could fix it
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