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Posts posted by impur

  1. I was gonna jump in and say the mp40 would do great in there, as would 2 mp10s. I've got the exact same size cube currently with 1 mp10 and i'll be adding a second mp10 this weekend i hope. The side that the mp10 is installed on has the perfect amount of flow IMO.


    Fun toys huh :D

  2. haha nope. My 75 was crowded and there is just no way to fit all those into this tank unfortunately. Its tough, i love all my corals!! Still lotsa spots for SPS though :D

  3. Picked up some 1/2" plywood and Killz to seal it up for the panels, got the screws for the magnets and some metal plates. I moved over a bunch of corals, fragged my oregon mummy eye, joker favia, demon eye zoas, tubbs blue zoas, and a favites sp. Tank is getting full, but once i can sell the frags it'll have a little more room. I still have all my SPS to move over, my rhizo, a couple zoas, duncans, frogspawn and fish. I think i'm gonna have to sell more just so it fits but oh well.


    I also ordered another MP10w ES and a lumenbright mini pendant. That about completes the equipment for this tank!!! (rock2)


    Here is another iphone pic



  4. Thanks' date=' the overflow is glass and is already on the back of the tank, so it is external. The glass is beveled out to have the overflow, i can snap some pictures next time I update everything with pics. I plan on making a durso standpipe type deal to keep everything silent. As for the rimless, thats the way the tank was built. I bought the tank like that, new and never used (but for a used price!) and seeing as these tanks dont pop up all that often, I wasnt going to worry too much. I do like the rimless style, but only if I am running one light so everything is clean. With this setup i will have a few different lighting fixtures running under there, moonlights, and the seaswirl, and want to keep everything looking as clean as possible. If I decide to scale back lighting at some point then I can just take the canopy off, but as of now I want this to have more of the 'furniture' look to blend in as much as a big tank can.[/quote']


    Thats awesome its an external overflow, those are the best IMO. No elbows or boxes in the tank and maximizes the area for rock/corals!


    I can see the reasoning behind the canopy now, all those different types of lights. I'd love to get one of those Sfigoli lights with a 250w MH and a couple T5s built into it. They look so awesome but cost so much!!!

  5. Revive is the best dip i've found for the price, next would be TMPCC.



    I haven't tried Coral RX but this is from their website:


    Coral Rx can be used in treating many types of live corals; soft, LPS and SPS. Coral Rx should be used in treating corals that have parasites or other bacterial infections. Additionally, it should be used as a prophylactic treatment before bringing live coral into your aquarium.


    Coral Rx is effective in removing the following parasites:


    - Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW)


    - Montipora Eating Nudibranchs


    - Bristleworms


    - Zoanthid Eating Spiders


    - Red Flatworms


    Also aids in the treatment of:


    - Filamentous Hair Algae


    - Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN)


    - Slow Tissue Necrosis (STN)


    - Bacterial Infections & More


    Coral Rx should not be used on fish, shrimp, crabs, snails, clams or other invertebrates. We have not tested CoralRx's effectiveness on Acropora Red Bugs.

  6. Yah i remember that article. I did that test too, i don't remember the exact results but I do remember the pH went up when done outside, not when inside.


    I ordered some of the media, and tonight i'll dig out my DIY media reactor to play around with so I can use it for this purpose. I'll keep updating this thread as well ;)

  7. Well i can only figure that due to my house being built in 06 and being energy efficient, there is not much release of the CO2 buildup in the house unless i open a door or window. The pH on my 75gal before running the skimmer venturi to a window was 7.7-7.8 mornings and only would get up to 8.1 at the highest. With the venturi drawing fresh air I only get down to 8.2 and up to 8.6 daytime. When i had the CA reactor online, it got down to 7.5 and even lower at night. That just won't work.

  8. Everything is doing great, i'm getting growth on my SPS, zoas are budding and putting out new polyps every few days. My lephastrea has just about healed over the area that the emerald crab dined on and all my other LPS are doing really well also. I even have coralline growing on the sides of the tank already!!! Its only been 4 weeks!!


    I need to go thru the tank with a slotted spoon and scoop out the hardened top layer of sand (flame) but other than that this tank has been very simple maintenance. Takes me about 10min to do a 7gal WC and I don't even have to shut down the return pump. The filter socks are lasting 2 weeks now instead of 5 or 6 days before needing changing. Skimmer doesn't pull much out, but theres no fish or anything so thats expected. I do toss in a pinch of flake food or some pellets every couple days.


    I ordered up some neodymium magnets with a countersunk hole in the center. These i will countersink into the stand, then i plan to use small metal plates on the door panels to hold the sides of the stand to the stand. Should work pretty well as long as the magnets are strong enough. I'll update some more once i get the magnets and snap some more pics this week.



  9. Thanks for the info Steve. I have an old media reactor i made, i think i'll just mod it and give this a try. I'm gonna pick up a jug of the media thru filterguys, and if I have similar results as you i'll start looking for the media in bulk.


    Mike - thanks for checking on that! :)

  10. I don't have a problem with my pH currently, due to drawing fresh O2 from a window to my skimmer on my 75gal, and so far my 60gal cube is doing fine even though its drawing air from inside my house. But i'd like to use something like this instead of the tubing outside to draw fresh O2. I really have to do one or the other, once my cube gets settled down I anticipate the pH dropping to how my 75 used to.


    You can buy all the parts at thefilterguys.biz cheaper than the BRS one. And they sell the replacement media as well, its cheaper than most other places but still spendy IMO. Thats why i'm trying to find it in bulk for cheaper. If i can do that, i'll definitely make one.

  11. Is anyone running one of these? Does it work well? How often do you need to replace the media?


    I'm considering building one instead of drilling a hole in my floor to run the skimmer airline outside to draw fresh O2. Would eliminate tubing running across the floor and holes in my floor too :D

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