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Everything posted by rmhuntley

  1. Does anyone know of a place locally that carries suction cups for Rio powerheads? I need to replace 2
  2. I"m looking for a fireworm for a species tank.
  3. IF you make it over this way, or if anybody's going to redmond any time soon... I want it
  4. http://www.kgw.com/lifestyle/stories/kgw_090306_life_crocodile_hunter.659be91e.html
  5. Looks like a fire worm to me. Not a good thing to have in your tank? have you noticed frags or other small things being moved around in your tank, specifically to a certain area?
  6. rmhuntley


    [language filter]... I need a frag of those as well
  7. rmhuntley


    Yup, I would be VERY happy w/ a single polyp
  8. Yeah, I"m clueless also... if anybody cares to fill me in via PM, I"d appreciate it
  9. rmhuntley


    Hey Ryan.. save me a frag of those pink palys when you frag them!!
  10. After looking at the pic again, it doesn't look like a normal bristle worm.... any chance you can get a picture of the whole thing, or at least the head? slim chance that it may be a "fire worm"
  11. Go w/ the D80. I"m a nikon man myself.
  12. it would help if I actually posted the link to the site, wouldn't it:P http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/taxinfo/index2.html
  13. you can use this site to identify him.
  14. Looks Good Roger. you might want to start using photobucket, you can get the photos bigger and avoid the whole "thumbnail" thing. and I want a frag of that(drooler)
  15. rmhuntley


    just in case there might be a shadow of a doubt.... I"m SO in!!!
  16. Dave, "m really not sure, I woke up one morning and it was decaying a/ peices falling off of it, that was the same morning that my hammer self destructed. For lighting, I"m using 2 geismann aquablue+(I think) and 2 actinic+. I'm really happy w/ the color that I"m getting.
  17. thanks guys. unfortunately, that tank is no more. I"ve moved up to a 21g tank of the same style. lighting is 4x24w T5HO. I will provide pics once I get my camera back from my $%$^%$^# sister in law. it doesn't look to great at the moment cause of a big leather coral that died on me. but in keeping w/ True Roy style, its mostly Zoas. Will post pics soon, hopefully
  18. not outa line at all, and [language filter], I need to get some of everything you have
  19. I've got a mag 3 that I got for my calcium reactor, I ended up using it to mix water. LMK
  20. OH, wait... did I actually give a correct answer?(scary) what is the world coming to
  21. sorry, my clown started hosting about a month ago and it was happy, healthy, and fluffy til this morning. of well, I replaced it w/ a single head of Torch from waves. so, should I remove it or leave it be and see what it does?
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