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Posts posted by Chief

  1. I took my carbon off of my RO/DI unit to avoid this. My water tastes just fine even though I am not using the last stage of carbon. For what it is worth, I even took off the DI chamber. I was getting 0 TDS after the RO membrane, and after over a year, I am still getting a 0 TDS reading. My water starts out as only a 27 TDS so I guess I am just lucky.



  2. I smell a school fundraiser. Could be good for everyone. They might be able to get the materials donated, make some rock and have a huge rock sale. I'm in. (icon)



  3. I just bought Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter and would love to let you what an awesome game it is... but that darned Oblivion game is always in the console. She needs a 12 step program. Somebody get her some help.



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  4. I'd be more that happy to frag my frogspawn for you. Here is a PIC.




    I also have a bunch of Xenia on a rock that is about 12 inches across. It is covered in Xenia. I have lots of purple mushrooms, 2 large colts that I could frag, GSP's, and some Zoos.


    I am all the way down in Creswell, which is 5 miles south of Eugene, but I get up to Portland at least once a month. Let me know if you would like some pics.



  5. Sqeeeellling. :eek: Just a thought. I am hoping a better person will step up to the plate. As I have said before, I would really like to see this club head in a positive direction. I am happy to just be on the board, but someone will have to be the Prez. For now I will stand by my position as Secretary. Who knows what the future holds though.:confused:



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