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Posts posted by Chief

  1. Ok, I'm no expert, but this sounds like a scam.


    He says he is from Romania, but if you look at the vacuums that he has for sale, it says he is from Canada. The listings do not even look the same. Looks like they are built by different people. Here is my advice. Go to on of the vacuums that he has for sale, and e-mail him a question about the jetski. Chances are that these are two different people. Why would he put his gmail account on the page when you can contact him via ebay? I don't know how he did it but it looks like he is piggy-backing on someone elses account. Let us know how it goes.



  2. I have internal screens on my overflows.




    What I really wanted was a coast to coast overflow. The internal screens are kind of a bother. I have had to clean them about every week, but that was due to a hair algea problem. The hair algea is almost gone, so we will see how long it is between cleanings now. Coraline will also plug the holes in the screens, but a vinegar bath with fix that.



  3. Here is a pic of the diagram I used for my 8 foot 240 gallon tank.




    Drilling bulkheads are easy.




    Let me know if you have any questions. This was my first time drilling acrylic. I didn't have any problems. Just go slow. Clean your hole saw as it gets clogged with acrylic shavings. Drill halfway through, and switch sides. This will reduce the possibility of a crack when completing the cut/hole. If I can do it, anybody can.



  4. I just got a quote to do a full tune-up, timing belt change, water pump change, Pulleys, and belts.




    I think I'm going to be sick. I found another mechanic that will do it for about $1000.00, but I don't know if he will be as good. The first quote was from a Mitsubishi Master Mechanic. Decisions, decisions. I am going to talk to the local mechanic ( lower quote ) to see if he knows what he is doing. I feel violated.



  5. Nyles,


    I am just getting over a pretty bad outbreak of hair algea. The only thing I am doing different from 4 months ago is:


    I changed all my lights. My 2X96 watt actinic PC's were over a year old. They should be changed every 6 monthts. My halides are on a one year cycle.


    I changed my brand of salt. I used Kent for about a year, and have recently changed to OceanPure.


    I also added a calcium reactor. I think this helped a little, but I am not sure.


    I'm not sure which one made the difference, but I can honestly say that I am feeding the tank more then I ever have before and the algea is just about gone. My skimmer is way overrated at 750 gallons, so I am not so worried about the feeding. I feed once a day, but I am pretty heavy handed. I don't know if this will help you, but it was worth a shot.



  6. You asked for it. Keep in mind that these pics are under a 6500K Compact Flourescent bulb. The 10000K XM goes in tonight for the frag area of my fuge.


    My frags:
















    Miles' Frags:








    It was a great day. We really need to to do this again.



  7. We might have one of the local schools come to the house on a field trip. That way they could admire the reptiles in thier cages and see the Reef tank in action. Pictures are great, but no substitute for the real deal. If it ever happens, we will be sure to post it here.



  8. Nice job. I have some acrylic in the garage right now that I am trying to decide what to do with it. I am thinking about a frag tank or a QT tank right now. Or I could do a second chamber to my calcium reactor. It will be fun when I can get around to it.



  9. Here's how I did mine.






    It is probably not the perfect design, but I consulted with a few fish stores before I drilled. Get as much advise as you can and drill away.:eek:


    As you can see from my signature line, I no longer use the Dolphin 8800 ( way to much flow, think washing machine ) and I didn't split my returns, but I have plenty of flow with the Barracuda and 6 returns.



  10. If I didn't think my wife would kill me, I would be in for an 8-way OM. It was in my original design for my closed loop. Replumbing everything is going to be a huge chore, but I am going to have to do it someday. Maybe next year. Hope you guys get enough people for the group buy. Heres a bump for ya.



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