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My Clown fish bred!


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Wow - I wasn't expecting that. Was doing a routine water change tonight and noticed somehthing odd and the clown were acting ultra defensive. I took a closer look and there are eggs attached to the rock at the base of their toadstool.


How cool!


Sorry to post without pics but my camera finally crapped out. New one on order, but won't be here until late next week.


My understanding is that they won't survive. But let me know if I should be doing anything.

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Thanks, Eric - yeah I'm really excited. They are about 3 years old and this is the first time - so it could just be a matter of reaching maturity.


Unfortunately, I made the mistake of telling my wife - and telling her that none of them would survive. So now she's sad that all the baby clowns will die. (sad)


By the way - does anyone know how long it takes the eggs to hatch? I'm hoping they last long enough for my new camera to arrive so I can get pics.

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Way cool Jason!!!!


Depending on tank peramiters, which I mean temperature I would estimate them to hatch around 9-10 days at 77 degrees. The time can be a little longer or shorter. My clutches typicall hatch at day 7 or 8 at a 80 degree system. My broodstock system runs a higher temperature than reef tanks typically do to mature the eggs a little faster.


Unfortunately unless you are willing to try to raise them in a seperate larval tank with rotifers and greenwater there is no chance of survival.


Just put it into perspective though.... There will be another batch in a couple weeks to look at :)



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Thanks so much for the info, Dave. I'm picking up a new camera on Saturday, so hopefully I'll just make it under the wire to get a shot of the eggs.


Yeah, I feel bad, but I don't think there is any way that I'll be able to try to raise them. Just too complicated and too much equipment that I don't have.


I'll update when they hatch, just for fun.

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You most likely will not see them hatch. Most of the time they hatch usually after the lights go out. You could wait until around an hour after the lights go out on day 9 and turn them back on and see if there are larve swimming around if not wait until day 10.


I have raised a lot of batches of clowns and for the first time less than a week ago had them hatch in the tank while I was moving them. I was really cool to see about 50 ish hatch in front of my eyes while I set the tank up :)



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