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I know I sound ignorant here' date=' but what the hell is the CBI??? And really, who cares?!?!?!?![/quote']


Bob, that would be College Basketball Invitational and Beavers fans!


Actually, being neither a Duck or a Beaver, I have to give Robinson some credit for the turnaround with the Beavs this year.

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CBI = Crappy Basketball Invitational and no the Ducks did not get invited. They did not play crappy basketball this year, that would have been an improvement!


From my understanding the teams in this tourney must pay for all the costs. There is no money made from this tourney unless your team's ticket sales exceed the costs. And for the Leavers i highly doubt they made any money. The first game was like a ghost town in that building.


But in the end I cannot really fault them for playing in it. The extra playing time is huge on a team like this trying to build.

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