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Feeding a Maxima clam .??


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Is it on the rocks in the tank or just a small piece of rubble?

You can take the clam out of the tank and put it in a small cup/bucket and feed it there. You don't need to worry about the flow taking your food away.


And if the clam is large enough it should get most everything it needs from the lighting.

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I tried feeding DT's a while ago and ended up with a cyano outbreak -- I don't think my clams could eat it fast enough. Not feeding phyto hasn't hurt them though, both my crocea and derasa are fat, dumb and happy (though they may just have won the genetic lottery in that respect and inherited those traits from me)

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Is it on the rocks in the tank or just a small piece of rubble?

You can take the clam out of the tank and put it in a small cup/bucket and feed it there. You don't need to worry about the flow taking your food away.


And if the clam is large enough it should get most everything it needs from the lighting.


Great advice!


For smaller guys 3" and under, this is a great way to feed them.

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Thank you everyone for the great input. MY new clam is about 3" and seems very happy.

I feed a little phyto feast anyway for other corals and also a frozen cubed H2o coral food which everything in my tank goes crazy for as well as Rods food for the fish I just hate to add one more diff thing if I dont have to ..

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Wow Impur, the color is gorgeous and I can't believe how diff it is ...Here is a pic of my new one I have only had it in my tank for 2 days so it isn't very open yet ..

it is a Blue Maxima, I can't wait for it to get happy and really open..

This is not the best photos I am just ending a cycle of Diatribes I think I said that right. The icky brown rust colored algae I switched tanks and off we go ...



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Thats a happy clam! LOL. My clam anchored itself in minutes...and I mean 10 or 15 minutes. I put it mid-level and thought, "hmmm maybe if it was a bit more over here" and then I tried to readjust...bam, it was stuck to the rock!


Luckily I like where it is. I have kept my CA up to 425 but I haven't checked my mag. I am still having trouble with the algae...


This weekend, I am cleaning the sump. I am taking all of the rubble rock out of it and leaving only the Cheato....

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Thanks Kris, well we shall see I am going to raise my Cal a little and I just upgraded tonight from a canister filter to a sump and protein skimmer YEAH!!!!!

Dang filter just quit working had to have it .. dang .... LOL

I switched tanks a few wks back and am fighting a diatribe outbreak although I think I am on the end of it .. thank god I hate that stuff.

Post a pic of your clam so I can see ...

Patrick said to put mine up towards the top..



IT has Attached itself although it turned side ways ..Oh Well ..

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As the do survive off of photosynthesis...good lighting is key. Mine is in the upper 1/3 of the tank on a rock ledge. Here is a pic...I really love these clams!




I did notice today that it had moved itself a bit...that made me a little curious as to whether it liked that "much" light as it is now half under the ledge.



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