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WTB: live mysis shrimp


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Some people have them in their sump or refugium.


I know that I have a few little shrimp that are in the teacher tank at school, but I can not catch the little guys. No, they are not amphipods or copepods, they look like perfect little shrimp, but only about 5-8 mm long. Sorry I can't help you get some. I would love to have some for my tanks at home, but I have only seen them at my school.



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yeah i know' date=' i saw this but i would prefer not to pay for shipping and then some might die too[/quote']


I'm all for buying locally and skipping shipping. That said, I have done business with Stan before, a few times. Always happy. He over packs the shipments as well. He's one of the better hobbyists to deal with IME.


Just sayin.

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If u want some for u home tank

U can drop in apiece of 1/2" pvc pipe...maybe 6-8" long or so by some calerpa in ur school tank..


And they will take up residence in there shortly.


Then reach in and cap of both ends with hand when u bring up the pipe horizontally...


That's what I do when I need to collect some mysis


But I bet u have some in ur home tank already...just don't know it ...check at nite with a flashlight



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What are u wanting them 4? If u don't mind me asking...


Goodluck finding them locally


From what I understand they are really hard to culture....they are Carnivorous and will eat each other if not seperated(young from adults)which requires daily work and twice daily feedings of artemia nauplii...very labor intensive.


I've been lookin also...there really isn't a way out of paying shipping on these suckas



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  • 3 weeks later...

I dropped in A to Z Pets at 160th & SE Division in Portland a couple of years ago, and noticed the large central system that they had was teaming with Mysis.


Culture of Mysid shrimp and Bivalve trochphores (veligers)






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