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Feeding Question


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I have a stupid noobie question regarding feeding.From the books I have been reading & what my son does they say shut your powerheads off during feeding.I was talking to my brother & he said he leaves his on because the fish seem to like chasing the food.What's your thoughts? forgot to add, my bro & I both have 29 gal biocubes.

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I always leave my flow on, to much trouble to turn it off and on. Don't really see any benefits, to turning them off. If they are on then they can chop and circulate the food to the corals, thus avoiding the need to target feed. I would agree too that my fish enjoy chasing the food around as well, plus it distributes the food throughout the tank, so all the inhabitants can get a bite to eat. To be honest though, I don't know how much of a difference it makes either way when it comes right down to it.

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I only turn the pumps off when I am feeding my anemones or LPS corals large pieces. It gives them some time to grab hold of the food and start moving it to the mouth. Once it is mostly ingested, I turn the pumps back on.


I have also started covering my anemones with a "tent" of egg crate. Otherwise the stupid poweder brown tang comes by and steals the food right out of the mouths of the anemone before it can completely close up over the piece. I am almost starting to hope that one day the tang gets stuck on the anemone, and barely gets away, that way it might learn to not steal food from a BTA.



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I turn my pumps off.. but I have a small tank and like target feeding :) And for my fish they still have fun because instead of having to chase the food around they like to run around looking for the best pieces.


I also made it easy for turning off just the pumps by having them on a separate strip so I just push an on/off button instead of having to unplug and replug them

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