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SO I bought a beautiful huge rbt from garrett a couple weeks ago, and the night before i got it , it had begun splitting. so currently it has two healed foots but the rest has not split or finished...is this okay for the health of my rbt in the long run?(scratch) or should I do a large water change to try to restart/finish the process ? just looking for some insight to this as I have none. thanks:D

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if it were me, of course i am kindof a reef daredevil...i would cut it in half manually. speaking of which i did just that tonight to my little one. they heal very well from this. i would try to get it out of the tank gently, using an ice cube to get the foot to lift, and then using a credit card to gently pry the foot off the rock. then use a sharp pair of scissors, one cut you are done. anemone should heal in hours, at the most a few days.

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well see I do really like the size and it seems to have settled just perfectly in this corner so if it doesnt harm it haveing two feet then for now I do think I'll leave it, I just wanted to make sure that somehow this wasnt a bad sign

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