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I did a 'trade' with eric about a month ago.

He has yet to fulfill his end of the deal. I have tried numerous times to connect up with him, contacting him on pre-arranged times - but no matter what he is unable to meet. Time and time again he says he will call, but never does. At this point I'm done and it appears to be too much trouble for him to come thru on the agreed upon trade. The 'spirit' of the trade is dead. It is apparent that if he were to fulfill his end of the deal it would only be because of this post.

This is just my factual experience. Your may have had better luck than I?

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in your opinion. I too have tried with witness to make arrangements for you to either come over, which is always a problem, or even meet at the PNWMAS meet, which you pulled out of. I even sent you messages today in an attempt to once again fullfill my side. The frags were cut for you by snowpunk and have been waiting in the tank for you. They still are. They haven't been traded and I haven't even tried to trade any of the other frags of the same stuff because I haven't gotten your stuff out of the tank yet. Whenever you are ready they are here.

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Oh please. One month Eric? Shall I quote what you sent me last night saying you would call me today? HUH?

You got what you wanted from me and you are done, it is dead obvious. Drop it now and be happy with your gain from me. Your wife was very nice in letting my daughter borrow the book - I will return it.

You DID NOT contact me today until I sent you a PM soliciting a response from you.

I have never said I would not come over to get them, Quite the opposite. I called you at least twice at pre-arranged times before I headed over and you were not able to meet for one reason or another. Every time I said I would call I called. Lest you forget I am the one that came to YOUR house for the initial trade - at which time you didn't want to frag them, fine. You then said you would bring them over the next day to frag (as you weren't sure how to and I didn't have my tools) - but the next day you stated your wife did not want them leaving the house??? what the heck?

It is interesting as you seem to have time for people to come HELP YOU! I guess I don't have anything to help you with otherwise you would have came thru on your end?

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well I guess you are right, I could have just scrapped the polyps off the rock and given them to you. But I thought you would want something that would live, so I recruited Snowpunk's help to frag them, which he did and I informed you right away that they were done. I will admit there has been some issue on my side with meeting, mostly due to wife and prego issues, we have had several trips to the hospital. With that being said when it comes to you saying I have time for people to come over that would be correct, which is why I have asked you to come over. Truth be told you were getting the better end of the deal and that was and is still fine with me. Point being if you want them they are yours, if not then say so. I have always had full intentinons on giving you what is owed and still do. Regardless of where this goes from here, the frags are owed to you and they will remain like that until you get them.

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for future refference for anyone who reads this, "IF" you do a trade with me and a frag is what I promise, if I tell you I do not have a frag made yet please bring tools to frag them. I don't really care how it is done as long as both pieces live (meaning mine and yours).


I do believe that this trade could have gone better and take responsability for my part in the difficulties. but this goes both ways.

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Just strange as I call when you say to and you can't do the trade. LIke I said, you have what you want so just let it be. Even my wife is sitting here shaking her head as I have tried many times to contact you. I can certainly understand the maternity issues, but I have tried to connect up with you more than the few trips to the hospital!

Like today Eric. You never did call like you said, did you?

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no I didn't call today. You got me there. But my wife is home now. You can go get them now. LMK and I will tell her what to pull. I do apologize for how this has gone, but I never have and never will make a trade I have no interest in keeping up with. You want to drop this that is fine. Get your frags and it is over. Heck you can even have your frags back, this isn't me trying to be rude just fair. I did not want this to go like this and still don't. You and your daughters were very cool and I was looking forward to future trades, maybe on a more specific setting to avoid this from happening again. It is up to you.

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well I guess you are right' date=' I could have just scrapped the polyps off the rock and given them to you. But I thought you would want something that would live, so I recruited Snowpunk's help to frag them, which he did and I informed you right away that they were done. I will admit there has been some issue on my side with meeting, mostly due to wife and prego issues, we have had several trips to the hospital. With that being said when it comes to you saying I have time for people to come over that would be correct, which is why I have asked you to come over. Truth be told you were getting the better end of the deal and that was and is still fine with me. Point being if you want them they are yours, if not then say so. I have always had full intentinons on giving you what is owed and still do. Regardless of where this goes from here, the frags are owed to you and they will remain like that until you get them.[/quote']


I re-read your post above and you say 'Truth be told you are getting the better end of the deal' Did you NOT know what you were trading? See, this is the kind of attitude that makes trading not fun, jabs like that! You sure acted excited to get the frags as you wanted them so badly...so why take a jab like that now?

I have nothing else to say. You may now have the last word and that is fine with me :)

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So what do you want to do? Do you want to get your frags? Do you want me to bring them to you? Or do you want to say forget it? I say again, I do not like leaving deals unfinished, nor am I a person that makes it a habit to not stand up to my side of a deal. I have ALWAYS stood up to my end of any arrangement I have made before and you are not going to be the first to go otherwise. Unless you make it so. I am not really upset about this and do understand your frusterations as I too have them over this deal. The frags have caused issues with real estate in my tank and me picking up more stuff doesn't help, but I picked those things up with intentions of putting them in the place that your frags are in. LMK what you want to do but please post it here.

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Eric, you are totally missing my point! I have tried to get these frags for 4 weeks now! I can't keep waiting for your morning call or trying to plan around this. You will appreciate my standpoint once your baby is born - things get extremely busy and when plans are made and not kept it is frustrating as heck. Keep the frags and we will call it even. I just can't afford more time to put into this...I have traded with many others and never had such a tough time.


This is what I'm talking about:

in Post #2 in this thread you say: 'I even sent you messages today in an attempt to once again fullfill my side. '

THEN, you say this in post #8: no I didn't call today. You got me there

WHY would you say you tried contacting me when you know you did not?

See, these things are what frustrate me and why I am done.

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I re-read your post above and you say 'Truth be told you are getting the better end of the deal' Did you NOT know what you were trading? See, this is the kind of attitude that makes trading not fun, jabs like that! You sure acted excited to get the frags as you wanted them so badly...so why take a jab like that now?

I have nothing else to say. You may now have the last word and that is fine with me :)


That wasn't intended to be a jab.


Look, what would the point be of me having you come to my house for a trade if I wasn't going to follow through?


When I re-read my post I do see what you are talking about. Sorry. All I was trying to get across was that there would be no logical reason for me to intentionaly purpose a transaction like this. If you want finish this deal let me know.

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Eric' date=' you are totally missing my point![/b'] I have tried to get these frags for 4 weeks now! I can't keep waiting for your morning call or trying to plan around this. You will appreciate my standpoint once your baby is born - things get extremely busy and when plans are made and not kept it is frustrating as heck. Keep the frags and we will call it even. I just can't afford more time to put into this...I have traded with many others and never had such a tough time.


This is what I'm talking about:

in Post #2 in this thread you say: 'I even sent you messages today in an attempt to once again fullfill my side. '

THEN, you say this in post #8: no I didn't call today. You got me there

WHY would you say you tried contacting me when you know you did not?

See, these things are what frustrate me and why I am done.


I guess we are implying to 2 different things. I have tried to contact you on threads and though PM's. And yes I did not call you this morning, so on this occassion you again are right I didn't follow through. I am a little frusterated on how this conversation has gone. I didn't want to argue with you nor create a new enemy. I am not to stoked about leaving this deal where it is because I will always have this on my mind, and feel in debt to you. You have provided, on several occassions, valueable (sorry if mispelled) advice, and I was and still am happy with the frags. I am not saying this in responce to this thread, it is the truth. I would like to settle this the way it was agreed upon in the beginning. In addition I would also have genuine interest in settling whatever disagreements we have. I am not going to continue standing my ground here to avoid any further hard feelings towards eachother. As I said in previous post I am not upset with you on a personal level just frusterated with the current situation. If you would like to get the frags I can bring them to you tomorrow in the morning. I leave it to you to decide what the outcome of all this is.

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DOH!DOH!DOH!I didn't read all the way through this thread and I don't plan on it. I know Eric's intent from day one was to get you those frags Mark. I know this because he asked me to help him frag them. On top of that I think he was pretty generous with his fragging also. I agree that a month is a long time to wait for a frag. Maybe a little more could have been done on both sides of this trade to complete it. I'm not putting blame on either side. I'm not going to jump out and take a side one way or another. I think Eric is very eager to become an active member of this community, and is doing a great job at making this forum a more lively place. Mark, I personally have yet to get to meet you, but I have heard nothing but good all the way around about you. I hope that soon I do get to meet you and see your tank also. I think it is unfortunate that this is happening, but I think it can be resolved. Mark, I know Eric's intent this whole time has been to get you your frags. You gave him his frags and you are entitled to yours. I don't think we need to throw all this out the window. I know he has made a number of other trades that have gone very well. I think this whole post should be deleted because it really looks bad for both people involved and I know that Eric is not the person described in this post. I know this is just you venting, but the rant does kinda look bad. This is unfortunate, and I feel like it should just be put behind us. Mark, I hope you'll give Eric one last chance to make a mends by getting you the frags you are entitled to, and both of you could just step up and put this behind both of you. No point in parading this topic around any more. I won't be posting in this thread again, so no point in responding to me about this post. As a final thought, I am willing to help mend this situation anyway possible if both parties feel like doing the right thing and trying to put this in the past. Mark it down as a rough start. If their is anything I can do, PM me. I hope this whole thread is deleted sooner rather then later...(peace)

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I don't feel this thread should be deleted, i feel mark has a right to say what he said, and that it was far from a bashing or a rant, but simply the truth as he experienced it. No one deserves to be stood up. I'm sure eric did have good intentions all along but the fact of the matter is, if you make plans, or say you are going to do something, you need to do it. There is nothing more frustrating than making plans to meet with someone, and freeing up time to do so, only to wait around and nothing happen, thus waisting time, and we all know time is a valuable commodity. I'm not trying to stir the pot or bash anyone, I just felt the need to reply to this post as I have been in this situation with different people, but similar circumstances.

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Mark - Eric will be stopping by my house on Wednesday 1/28. He can bring the frags along. I am retired, and have a fairly open schedule... meaning most days are open. I would be glad to help with this, and can get together with you at your convenience w/the frags.(rock2)


Give me a call if you have any questions. 503-968-8106

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My intentions are not to bash anyone, but to share my FACTUAL experiences in the dealings I have had.

I see no reason to delete this thread. Is this not what this forum is for? Censorship is not a good practice in general.

John, I appreciate the offer but I will more than likely be dropping off a book to him today.

Snowpunk - I hear ya man, but actions are stronger than words. Personally I don't care if my 'rant' looks bad as it is the TRUTH...what is so bad about the truth? Read thru what I wrote and it may make more sense to you! :)

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IMHO it doesn't look bad and I value the information shared in here. This is the point of a feedback forum' date=' the good and the bad. I agree with you on censorship as well, it should be avoided at all costs.[/quote']



I agree 100%with Matt here. Censorship is for the Bush administration, not or forum!

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Update: I dropped by Eric's after church and the trade is completed. Eric, sorry for stopping by unanounced but it got the trade completed.

The offer is open for you to come see my tank when you like. If we do trade again we will make sure to have some basic ground rules and agreement.

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