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January Eugene Meet and Greet 1/24 @1:30


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Yeah thanks Joel for hosting. Thanks Miles and Jody (TEC) for the bad *** acans. I just put mine in the tank about a hour ago. I will get pics up tomorrow.


It was great to meet a couple of the Eugene people also that I havent got to yet! I can home with too much stuff like usual :) Hope to see everyone at Rogers school next month.

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It definatly worked out fine, thanks Matt for picking up the extra spot. Hope you think the frags are worth it! (laugh) if not its Bob's fault! Joel your tanks look amazing, keep up the good work. Do you make your kids do the water changes? Do you rent em out? (laugh) :p


Was a great time thanks everyone. My frags look great, feeders are out tonight. I am of course up trying to spot my coral muncher. Oh yah, and we were playing guitar hero world tour for like 3 hours (laugh)


Hope you are doing ok Jen. Maybe you can make the next meeting.


Curtis we make a great team! Thanks for your expertise (cutting stuff up). (drinking)

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I unfortunatly cant see how mine are doing as i am at work for the night... before i left most of my frags looked pretty happy...my acons looked pretty po'd(scary) but still pretty, though my crabs jumped on them in a hurry to try scavaging off the dead flesh(threaten).


thank you so much joel for your hospitality and generosity ...i had a blast an i could tell everyone else did as well. your kids are very blessed to have you as a teacher.....thank you suzanna for the leather, jesse for the cheato(sorry we didnt get to chat), bob lowman thank you so much for the awsome deal an the great frags...I will absolutly getting more there awsome I love that chalice. thanks ryan and kevin and of course thank you miles for your demo and you and curtis and the others who helped brake our babies into pieces. It was wonderful to finally put some faces to the crazy personalities we have here(laugh)


I cant wait till we do this again, it was great thanks to all who were part of the planning of this event and thanks for having it on a saturday(rock2)(rock2)

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It was really a good meeting. Would have got there earlier but it was my daughters' 5th Birthday Party earlier (she is selfish). Thanks for the classroom use, Joel. It was ideal, although I did get the feeling that I should cut class and hit the waves as I approached the school!

Thanks to Miles and Curtis for doing a lot of work cutting the frags. When I saw the thickness of the specimin I was shocked. I think Curtis got a bit of Karma by having choice #3 on the larger frag.

A good demo on rock making by Miles.

Nice slide show in the previous post by Chief.

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