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Need some advice on temp control


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I have a 1/2 HP PCI Chiller at 9.9 amps, 110 volts, 1089 watts. I also have a Finnex 800 watt heater.


I would like to control both pieces of equipment on a dual stage temp controller. The Ranco/Aqualogic dual stage controller will handle a maximum of 1000 watts. I am at almost double their max wattage.


What are my options? Two single stage controllers? Can an Aquacontroller, or Reefkeeper handle the wattage?


Can I build a relay? ( I am a little lost when it comes to relays or anything else electrical ) DOH!



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Your are fine with the ranco controller as it only controls 1 of its outlets in the "on" position at a time. There would never be a need to heat AND cool the water at the same time. I have a C050 PCI also and run a 1000 watt fire plug inline heater and the ranco works great!


The Aquacontroller will handle the heat if you want also, but the temp probes are more prone to failure. I have a ACIII and choose to only control heat and cooling related activities like fans and turning off the lights if it gets too hot. The Ranco temp probes are used on many industrial applications and I have never heard of a failure.




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I have two that I purchased used. On one the probe has been sealed with heat shrink. The other was stock, I believe. The one with the stock probe, quit working with a memory error. The one with heat shrink, the probe failed on me. I replaced the failed probe with the stock probe from the defective unit. I now have one working unit.


I used mine for a long time before I knew about sealing the probes. It is intersting that the one that was supposed to be sealed is the one that failed. So right now the one I am using is stock and have not had a problem with it. I have thought about sealing it with some epoxy or something.


With that said, I am going to replace the heating functions of the ranco with my controller soon. I still think they are a nice reliable unit, but for the price I think it would be best to spend a little more for a controller and get many more functions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I finally bought an aqualogic dual stage temp controller. Best purchase I have made to date. My Finnex controller was stuck on 24/7 and my chiller was always on compensating for it. Now my temp stays at 78 and I am using much less electricity.





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