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Trading online?? Question for someone who has done it


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Okay so there is a guy on RC that wants to trade me some equipment. Since there will be no money exchanged how do I go about doing this. Im gonna pay shipping on my stuff im shipping and vice versa. How do I keep from getting screwed? Later Ryan

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Hm, that's a tough one, since no credit card or paypal is involved.

I guess you could check this person's previous posts and see if there are any complaints in sales/trades he has done before.

Has he been a member long, and has photos up of his stuff, and not just links to a commercial website that sells the same thing?

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I have had very few good experiences where payment or goods were to be "sent" to me. I tried it maybe 20 times, got payment once and the check bounced. That person did come through, the others vanished. These were on other sites I am a mod on.


For me, I get payment, it clears,then I ship. IME there is just no other way to do it. I have shipped a few hundred packages, this is the only way I do things now. JME


If the guy has a good rep, I might go for it if I really needed what was being offered and it was a screamin deal, but things are always iffy in that realm. JME

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Living in Michigan he shipped his this morning so I got to see confirmation # and that the package was picked up. So unless he's shipping a 7lb box of rocks I think I am in the clear. I just sent mine this afternoon. Thanks everyone for the help. Later Ryan

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Well I got it today. Its in good shape. Never had a controllable Tunze before. I can see what the fuss it about. It is pretty sweet. I dont think I would spend the money on them new but used they are reasonable. Definitely add a different type of flow when they are controllable.


I do have one question though to Tunze users. Does the clip from the top just kinda slide into the magnet? Is it suppose to click in or something? Seems to hold just fine but I was wondering. Later Ryan

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yah, the clip just slides in, no click. I thought the same thing...but they work just fine. Just wait till you get your hands on one of the new style tunze's, they can rotate in any direction and really add flow to areas not possible with the older. When the new become more available, you will see alot of older ones for sale on the classified forums for great prices.

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