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Extremly disapointed


The other weekend I made my first and last trip to Rose city Aquarium. After seeing many adds on craigslist we decided to make the journey from Salem to check it out. We were greeted at the door by a large German shepard! The dog seemed friendly enough so we continued inside. The shop was dirty and smelt like wet dog. The selection was decent and prices were posted (wich I love) but the tanks were dirty so items were hard to see. As we proceeded to the back of the store another large German shepard jumped out from behind some tanks and started barking and growling at us and the family next to us with some very small children. I was honestly scared for the safety of the children. The associate working in the store (not sure if it was the owner) just laughed. Obviously we left the store and will NEVER be back!!


Overall I feel you can get twice the quality, for the same price, in a much cleaner and safer enviroment at almost every shop in town!

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Personally these kind of posts need to be handled on a personnel level with Pm's instead of a smear tactic's such as this I see you have posted only 2 times so to come on here to hurt someones lively hood seems a bit sad especially during this time of year.You should have pm'd Nick brought this to his attention as he may have not been there and be completely oblivious to this at least give them a chance to make it right before you smear there rep.

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My experience in Rose City is exactly the opposite as yours. Rose City has been bringing in a very nice selection of corals and the prices are always fair. Nick and his staff has been good to me and I have seen and observed both of the german shepards in the shop many times and they have been nothing but well behaved and friendly from what I have seen. In my opinion it is a great shop.

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Guest LisaJill

I love Rose City as well but have only been there twice and did not get to meet the pooches; but, I would disagree with reefboy that this forum is an inappropriate location for this feedback. This forum is exactly for feedback, both positive and negative, and as a consumer it is important to me to see both the good and the bad, and that is why I read this forum.


So thank you to Mike for sharing your experience, I hope you might reconsider and give them a second chance, as I do think you had an unusually negative experience. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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yea i agree with reefboy on some of the other forums people are required to have a minimum number of posts before they can post feedback, good or bad, its hard to take someone seriously when they have only made 2 posts, and one of those is negative......seems fishy to me.....i have met both dogs and they were very friendly and one even licked my face:D...fwiw

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Sorry, I have not posted more. I am still somewhat new to the forum. I have been doing aquariums for about 20 years and saltwater for about 6 years. I mainly use this forum for the classifieds but have also got a lot of really good information from the forums. I am usually not one to talk negative about a business online but I felt that our experience was so negative I wanted to warn others before putting themselves in this situation. This wasn't just a warning of high prices or a dirty store. This was a honest concern for the safety of others. I felt that this forum was the proper location to post feedback on vendors we have visited. Mike

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(clap)I have been to Rose City on a regular visits. I have been treated wonderdfully. I at no time felt unsafe in any way with either of the shepherds. One just holds any toy or any thing for that matter waiting for an any attention. The other wants nothing but a pat on the head. I found this to be the case on each and every visit. I have been in on days of delivery and things can be some what out of sorts. Have YOU been to any small biz on order day? No he is not over priced so you get good quaility at a fair price. That is how to stay in biz these days. If however you want to be treated like a "king in his clean castle" I guess thats your right.


Just my two cent's.


Yea for Rose City !!! (clap)



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I thought I was doing the right thing coming onto the web site and posting my experience under the thread that says ( "Talk about your experiences" Vendor feedback ). I shared my experience and have been hammered by negative responces and pm's. Isn't that what this section of the web site was all about? I appologize for not coming on and saying all the good things about all of the other experiences I have had in stores such as Coral Reef Pet Center, Soutas, Upscales, Saltwater Fantaseas, Seahorse, Waves, and others that have always been clean, classy, and professional. I never had any intensions of picking fights. I was just sharing the story of my experience. Mike

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Every store has a bad day and it sounds like other then the dogs you really didn't have a bad experience and the fact that 4 of your first five posts are against a sponsor here that allot of folks like so they will be protective of that person or persons it just like you cant walk into a room of friends and call one a PITA and expect no one to react as this was a positive thread to start with.

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Rose City Aquarium


I think everybody here should be ashamed for attacking someone who just started posting on here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion good or bad! The fact that it was bad does not mean he should not post it on here! If you carefully read the post then you would know he id not say anything except that the tanks were dirty and he was concerned about the dogs being aggressive. Just because the dogs were nice to everybody else does not mean that they did not growl and bark at him and his family. I am a dog person and have owned dogs of all shapes and sized since birth. Dogs can act protective around one particular person for no apparent reason and if he felt he had reason to fear for his family then this should be taken into consideration by the business owner. Just because a dog is perfectly friendly to all but one person who may come into your store you need to think about that. As for the tanks being dirty if you have a tank multiply the care by 500 and then you have a store, they are not always going to be clean you may have caught them the day before they cleaned or something. If you are trying to get a good look at something ask them to clean the glass so you can see it or ask if you can do it yourself....... I shop at a lot of the stores around the portland area and I cannot name a single one who is clean ALL the time! Some are better than others but you need to think about the economy and the fact that the fish industry is not doing well right now as a whole and Rose City May/May NOT be able to afford to employ enough people to keep their stores clean all the time!!!!


I personally have had both good and bad experience with Rose City so I do feel like a person in the middle. I am glad that it was posted on here about the dogs, if someone is afraid of dogs this is a good point! I for one will continue to shop their but I will be more cauious when I do shop their with my children! I should add I have not been there in a while...... But will be going this week and will add to this post about my expereience there.

Thank You for reading

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Well since this is a review I will just say that I have been 100% satisfied with Nicks shop, though I not always agree with dog owners this shop is not a 99% but a 100%.... Hope the dog thing gets sorted because Nick seriously is a great guy, Nick does this because he enjoys it, nothing more, and if you knew him you would know slandering his shop over dogs without talking to him would be about that farthest from the truth you could come from as far as a good judgment as to the condition of service that you receive, you should be happy that shops with such service exist within a 120 mile range. Amazing how people try so hard and the only time a customer reviews a place is when there is a bad thing to say, Keep up the good work Nick and keep the dogs in check, Sheppard's can seem aggressive but I have had two and they seem aggressive but like to talk, looks like the dog won and customer lost...... maybe keep the dogs in back Nick? Good luck guys, Nick is a good guy though.

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I am ashamed of nothing!! This person has been a member since march and I'm sure they have had many positive experiences, yet why did they not share any of them?? Its just hard when someone only contributes something negative. If they were really set on sharing there experience they should of expressed it in a new thread rather than tainting this one. I totally understand the concern about the dogs, but it didn't stop there he threw in some cheap shots about the store smelling and the tank being dirty. So it seems to me safety wasn't his only concern. Everyone does have a right to their opinion it would just be nice if they shared some positive experiences and opinions and contributed more to the site than this. With so few posts this person has no history or identity here and for all I know could be anyone (disgruntled ex employee, or an employee from another store or anyone!!). Like i said I understand the concern about the dogs and I know and understand that a dog will react different to different people in different scenarios. I would of been a lot more understanding if their post would of stopped with the dogs being aggressive, but unfortunately it didn't and thats why i felt the need to defend rose city. Put yourself in someone else's shoes for a change, you might get a new perspective.

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Talking about the smell of the store and the dirty tanks was in my opinion part of my "Review" of the store. Isn't that what this thread is all about? I am not an ex-employee and have no problem with Nick at all. I was just sharing my experience in our first trip to his store. I have been in this hobby for many years and greatly appreciate the effort that most local store owners go through to satisfy us. I can not say enough positive things about Soutas, Coral reef pet center, waves, Seahorse, and all the others who have treated me so great over the years and keep me loving this hobby! I will try to do better in the future to share my positive experiences with these vendors. Mike

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Hello, I want to apologize to anyone who has been in the shop while it has been dirty. I get really swamped here and sometimes I get behind in my chores.


For those of you who don't know my dogs, Their names are Elsa and Mr. Jo. I have had them for seven years now. They survived my house fire some how. They are my buds. They have never hurt anyone nor are they dangerous. I understand that some people are scared of large breed dogs, especially german shepherds. I apologize if they scared your Family Mike. I've been having some painting and other work done on my home and I had them in the shop for a few weeks. They love kids and spend three times a week with 9 month old nieces. They have been around small kids their whole lives.

If anyone ever has a problem or concern, you can always reach me at the shop (503) 233-3913 or send me a pm. I have never had anyone complain or bring up any problem here at the shop. We are here to help, provide good advise and good products at good prices. If there are any issues or problems we always like to work them out and correct them right away.

Thanks for all your support.






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Never been and to be honest not sure I wanna go. In my experience it takes 7 positive mentions of something before people begin to listen, but it only takes 1 negative. I do have to agree with Lisa that this forum is for both positive and negative feedback. With that being said, I also agree that somethings are odd when you have so few posts and negativity seems to be your theme. Not that I have tons of posts, but as people will learn here I am very fair and honest. No suger coating or smere campaigns

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